begins with a point which becomes a line becomes a plane which comes there's a very sophisticated geometrical theological psychological language around this but so we have we have the circle relational which which means that everything is equally distant from from the divine in some sense which is which is which is that the surrounding feminine which is which is fascinating and and that begins to deconstruct our simple linear conception of reality cosmos the next step which which mystics take jewish mystics and other mystics which really just shatter this whole thing to pieces is the notion of what's referred to as as xm or essence um which which mean which which means that that there's no there's no there's no up there's no down there's no circle there's no line there's no integration of the circle line so into a spiral there's only one thing and that is the essence that is the jude of god in islam and that is the only thing in existence and therefore there is nothing which is which is non-essential and there's nothing which is essential it's the absolute complete deconstruction of any category here right which which means that that that the top and the bottom these all become irrelevant because you can no longer have a top and bottom when you're speaking about essence it's the it's the infinitesimal point which is the everything which is the nothing and and and the essence collapses the whole system into an into a way where there's no longer the possibility of talking about a material world which is which is far from the divine becomes becomes um impossible and and and and in fact the way that the later mystics speak about it is that that actually in corporal reality we can see that we we can come to reveal the the unrevealable essence of god in the materiality of nature and and the language of essence becomes a very very becomes an explosive and dynamic theological and philosophical metaphysical principle for the jewish mystical tradition and i think the same thing happens that we spoke about this last time s