omething happens in in late stage buddhism where i think over there the language is is is the inverse it's the non-essence but once you're at a point of essence or non-essence you you you know you're the same yeah so that's in response to the to the first point that you made that that but but the catalyst will constantly use these three even when they speak of the essence they'll switch back and speak about the straight line they'll speak about the round like this right and they'll be switching in and out of these metaphors based up based on what they need to do it's it's it's a very there's a real fluidity and flexibility in that it's like um the other point which i want to make was which was referring to what you said about about dialogues yeah um i'll in unless you should i go into that point or is that something you want to do no no no please please please go into that point so one of one of the one again another another earth shattering let me just open a window here okay one second just getting a little toasty thank you so another another earth-shattering um metaphysical construct that the kabbalists develop and this really takes its full development in 16th century um in the galilee by isaac luria who who in in kabulistic history very much like in jewish philosophy there's philosophy before and after one of these in kabbalah this vlog there's this cabal before and after lauria um so luria um based on earlier thinkers um it has its precedence in in the zohar and in in cardovara but he really brings this to it so it's full implications the notion of tsintsum which is notion which which which has become popular even outside of circles of jewish mysticism i've seen it even in some self-help books now and the notion of tsum tsum is is is this that god is the only god is the only thing that exists um and within god there arises desire to create a desire for to to relate desire to manifest different languages used by different thinkers but but to have that there must be some other which god can create or relate t