o or reveal to or be in relationship with and what god does is god um contracts god's self that's literally what seemed to lit some time is to to contract and god creates space for the for the illusion of otherness where in that space the the omnipresence of god and not just not just geographically but but but existentially and metaphysically is absent there because in the presence of that there can be nothing else so god has to create a space where where within god's self because that's the only thing there is there's a space for god to not know god's self for god this sounds like you're regina in a lot of ways yes uh very much so i i did i did i did a video recently and arigina and and the the parallels to to capitalistic thought are striking um it's i mean jacob burma is also another thinker who who yeah although there's a historical actual connection there where he is influenced um so so god creates space within god's self where god does not know god's self um to to and i'm flipping here between like the theological metaphysical and psychological language because it's really the old point and and and god does that to create a space for for for dear logos to have a space where where god can re-enter that space emerge as something new and and then re and then begin to to reflect to turn god's face back on itself this is also i think the new platonic idea of of the the nouns which is the image of god which is able to turn back and look at god yeah that the news is is that i think that party that turns back and looks yeah yes yes yes and and and so from in many ways for the catalyst and this is a really brutal thought we are we are that part of god which was created in that space which is able to not know god but look back and and try glimmer through the mystery to see ourselves um and and and really if you're looking for the place for the the profoundest expression of the spit of the creation of space for dialogues in the kabbalistic literature and and that becomes a psychological programmatic in our own lives o