about myself and that's quite a bit um one of those authors is michelle de sartou who's a french philosopher postmodern historian um he and his his work is one of the only work semesters in which i opened up i'm like and this after reading many works from systems and i understand the field a little and when i opened up i'm like what the hell is he saying you read love for belle mystique which which is a i mean i i'm still gonna have to go back to it when i encounter a book like that i go back to like five years later i'm like oh okay now now i now um but he he he he makes this uh sort of this aphoristic statement he he categorizes all of eastern mysticism and all the western mysticism and i forgot what he's about the east but about the west he said and it really caught me off guard he said he said he said west's mysticism in one word is the necessity for otherness and in my mind i'm i'm thinking about unity oneness non-dua and and he says the necessity for otherness is is the essence of all western mysticism and and at the time i was appalled but sitting with it i'm like this is exactly his point and there's that the ontological and existential necessity to to discover ourselves necessitates the other uh and that's that's a profound profound point so thank you for saying that that's that's that i'd like i wanted i want uh i want your top 100 on your list of uh books uh i mean i've read quite a few myself i'm i'm interested in reading the the auto book that you uh referred to um but you know some recommendations uh xevi i would really appreciate pleasure so two things uh it it's it's what you you said about the kabbalist thing it i had this amazing conversation genuine and uh on theories of everything and kurt the moderator was just fantastic at you know moving between debate and deal logos and bernardo was just just an excellent companion i mean we disagreed and we argued but we also it but what was interesting is he described a metaphysics in some senses very similar although uh it didn't have the sense of norma