tive necessity to it but he has the idea that reality is ultimately one consciousness he's explicitly a modest right and then he think but in order to explain all of this he has a theory of sort of something like psychological dissociation uh but it's again that somehow within it it's it's there's places where it doesn't know itself and it dissociates from itself i'm sorry i'm not trying to misrepresent or or present his view simplistically i'm just doing it for for sake of time but it strikes me it's interesting that somebody and i think rightly so who is regarded as sort of a champion of the revival of absolute idealism uh within the philosophy of mind and within you know you know you know theories of mind in general castrop is basically proposing something that has some remarkable similarities to the kabbalistic uh thing you were just the the kabbalistic movement you were just talking about and i think that's that's very interesting um i want to think about that i i'm sorry i just want to note it because it's there's something going on there i i find it fascinating that that something like this happens it happens to me all the time where where you'll be i'll i'll just be sort of explaining something in the depths of one own tradition and then someone coming from an entirely like left field place would be like yeah like i'm expanding the exact same metaphysic to to point of nuance which is so i was reading recently um randall starts which will be on the on that 100 list the unity of mystical traditions and get this in within the capitalist tradition there's a 2 300 year debate about how to understand this act of tim tsum whether it's to be read figuratively or literally and and and and the nuances in that debate i'm reading start still and the same thing is emerging and i think it was in like in bond mysticism in a form of like eastern mississippi where the exact same debates are being being discussed um about whether to understand their own form of of of occultation and concern of the divine and that process o