its phenomenology and functionality but i'm wondering i'm sorry this is mostly metaphorical to pose this question is the mystical experience like something in which you know the the the space-time continuum of the four-dimensionalities of realness is disclosed to the person do you know what i'm trying to get at uh that that though because although we can in analysis and even in experience you know the dimensions can come apart from each other fundamental fundamentally right it doesn't make sense that reality that these are separate realities or anything like that right yes sorry this is a very clumsy i i'm being procedurally inept here but i'm trying to get at like i'm trying to get at what i'm trying to move this into cognitive science and and i'm not trying to reduce it to cognitive science okay very clear but i'm trying to get in like what would that mean cognitively like i i can see these different different what i call the four ways of knowing and and they and analytically and experientially they get pulled apart but i also see that there's some phenomenological functional continuum of them and i'm wondering if the mystical experience might be a disclosure of that in some way that's independent from some of the other arguments i have about other higher states of consciousness it's a question that's just forming in my mind right now yeah so so i see that you're gesturing towards the questions i'll try gesture towards an answer that's completely fair that's completely fair so so let's let's begin with this i i think i think firstly the question of what is the real is is such an important question um potentially the most important question um and the answer to which we give as individuals and civilizations is so determining um of everything that flows from that um and and i think some of the things that you mentioned have their place historically and we we know the echoes of those things so for for for both for someone like hegel where the rational is the real and for someone like aristotle whether the active i