This theme – that hidden dangers may lurk in something ostensibly good – runs through many literary accounts of enhancement.In Mary Shelley’s “Frankenstein” (1818), for instance, a scientist creates a new man, only to eventually die while trying to destroy his creation.Whether these fears surrounding human enhancement are real or unfounded is a question already being debated by ethicists, scientists, theologians and others.This report looks at that debate, particularly in light of the diverse religious traditions represented in the United States.First, though, the report explains some of the scientific developments that might form the basis of an enhancement revolution.Where does the science stand?The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit (TALOS), which President Obama likened to “Iron Man,” could make American soldiers stronger and largely impervious to bullets.(Credit: AP Images) On Feb. 25, 2014, President Barack Obama met with Army officials and engineers at the Pentagon to discuss plans to create a new super armor that would make soldiers much more dangerous and harder to kill.