“The enhancement project could allow people who have natural inequalities to be brought up to everyone else’s level,” he says.Hughes, Bostrom and others also dispute the idea put forth by Fukuyama and Brugger that enhancement could displace the sense of common humanity that has undergirded the democratic social contract for centuries.First, they point out that the history of the modern West has been one of an ever-expanding definition of full citizenship.“The set of individuals accorded full moral status by Western societies has actually increased, to include men without property or noble descent, women and non-white peoples,” Bostrom writes.In addition, supporters of enhancement say, the notion that there will be a distinctive species of enhanced individuals who will try to enslave their unenhanced brothers and sisters might make for good science fiction, but it is not likely to happen.Instead, they say, there will be many different types of people, with different types of enhancements.