“I think most [evangelical] churches will warn against this,” he says.“I think a lot of evangelical leaders and pastors will see this as unwise and will call on people to avoid it.” Indeed, Albert Mohler, one of the intellectual leaders of evangelical Christianity’s largest U.S. denomination, the Southern Baptist Convention, already has, calling it “a new form of eugenic ideology.” According to Daly and others, evangelicals’ opposition to enhancement would be based in part on the notion that man should not “play God.” According to Daly, “when we attempt to be something more than human, are we running the risk of trying to become, in some ways, like God, as did Adam and Eve?” He adds, “This is an important issue for Christians that, I think, will help drive the debate for us.” Courage, fidelity, fortitude, generosity, hope, moderation, perseverance, are all cultivated in response to limitations of circumstance and nature.John Haldane, University of St. Andrews Opposition also would be likely from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, which teaches that the body is sacred and thus must not be altered.