If you could choose any superpower, what would it be?Disappointingly, most of us don’t have a mutant gene that allows for superior capabilities.Turns out humans are 99.9% genetically identical.Yet, there’s a lot of variation expressed within that remaining 0.1%.How tall or short we are, what skills we have, our hair and eye color, and even predispositions to certain diseases or conditions, are all encapsulated within our genes.Lying deep within that tiny fraction of a difference are some really weird and downright uncanny capabilities in some, rare cases.Here are 7 actual “superpowers,” due to genetic mutation.Which of these real-life superpowers would you want?1.Unbreakable bones Image credit: Comfreak, Pixababy.Think Wolverine’s adamantium skeleton is impressive?Well, it is.But there’s a superpower in real life that’s sort of like that, unbreakable bones.The LRP5 gene is responsible for many bone ailments, including juvenile osteoporosis.What’s remarkable is, a mutation associated with this exact same gene can have the opposite effect.