It can also affect the eyes, bones, and blood vessels.Those with a mild case, however, like Botet, usually lead normal lives.5.Resistance to poison Image credit: qimono, Pixababy.Imagine drinking enough arsenic to kill an ox, only to walk away whistling, without any health effects, whatsoever.In a small village in Argentina, the residents call this their daily life.6,000 of them drink from a water supply laced with 80 times the amount of arsenic needed to kill anyone.This population has been drinking from the same source for thousands of years.As a result, they’ve developed a mutation of the gene AS3MT, which helps push potentially dangerous substances out of the system.6.Super speed Image credit: Bago Games, Flickr.Ever wanted to run incredibly fast?Although comic books powers are overly dramatic, there are folks in this world who display exceptional athletic ability, including running.The mutation here is located at gene ACTN3, also known as the “sports gene.” This involves how fast muscles move, allowing them to flex faster for running and other physical activities.