No further details were given, however.Not all countries are prepared to use gene editing or even genomic technology to enhance soldiers, however.The French military ethics committee has recently approved research on soldier “augmentation”, such implants that could “improve cerebral capacity”.However, the committee warned that certain red lines could not be crossed, including genome editing or eugenics.In the more candid words of the French minister of the armed forces, Florence Parly, this amounted to “A yes to Ironman, but a no to Spiderman” (Ironman gets his superpowers from a suit whereas Spiderman is bitten by a radioactive spider).In Russia, the military is looking to implement genetic passports for its personnel, allowing it to assess genetic predispositions and biomarkers, for example, for stress tolerance.This could help place soldiers in suitable military lines, such as navy, air force and so forth.The genetic project also aims to understand how soldiers respond to stressful situations both physically and mentally.