The Panasonic G85 ( G80/81 Europe ) best-value camera buy filmmaking , around $ 700 lens.I use one myself.It solidly built magnesium body tilt swivel touchscreen , body lens weathersealed.The sharp 12-60 kit lens covers useful zoom range , wide telephoto.The camera shoot 4K , HD 60p slow motion.And good image stabilisation , makes easy handheld shooting.Cons ? The sensor size Micro Four Thirds , smaller Fujifilm Canon cameras below.So ’ good low light , though ’ better older Panasonics.It ’ headphone socket , though rig audio output HDMI socket.Battery life OK great ( add battery grip double , use adapter external battery ) .Autofocus bit slow , especially shooting 4K.But solid build , slow motion image stabilisation make great choice.More G85 Check price/buy Amazon | eBay Fujifilm X-T3 Fujifilm ’ X-T3 ( around $ 1050 body ) larger APS-C sensor , ’ better Panasonics low light creative shallow focus .