Motto: "All things are permitted to me, but not all are useful to me. Everything is permitted to me, but I will not be overcome by anything." (I Thessalonians 6, 12) Not even out of curiosity... Certainly, nothing can copy/imitate or replace man, created by God "in His own image" immortal and personal-loving, his unique, infinite, ineffable and transcendent mystery to the world. Because man, by nature and through spiritual life (holiness and pure love), tends to expand existentially in God, uniting with Him through the Holy Spirit and progressively living eternal life in Him, making his inner fullness shine in external actions marked by originality and creativity. Therefore, by virtue of our intrinsic call to love and immortality in God, we have the duty to enrich ourselves in love and in each other in the same Holy Spirit present in the Righteous Church of the Savior Jesus Christ until the end of the ages. Thus, the Holy and Loving Spirit of God hypostasizes, rests and mysteriously, uniquely and indefinitely shapes each of us, expanding our souls towards an ever-increasing (inexhaustible, by the way) grasp of the divine Truth/Real uncreated and created reality, through ever-higher love and understanding, with awe and respect at the same time. It is arrogance and even madness, indeed, to desecrate/desecrate the mystery of a man by associating his being and thinking with the productions of a software that composes texts and recites them (according to the programming algorithm) apparently in his style. Even viewed at the level of simple artificial machine testing (hard and soft), we should predictably observe/understand the limits and exaggerations/abuses of this experiment unfortunately made widely available, as curious people who massively attempt to query gpt bots, in the vast majority of them have neither the culture nor the discernment to "separate the clean waters" of real knowledge from the harmful wastes of the artificial imaginary that can manipulate them informationally and mentally, emotionally and behaviorally. Especially since we live in the times of the greatest social manipulation/engineering in the history of the world, where the propaganda infrastructure is based not only on the qualities (practiced through PsyOp training of) human trumpeters, but also on high technologies with artificial intelligence (trained and they) increasingly performing... In the present case, the psychological damages are immense because people, with emotional and educational deficiencies, but eager for a confession/"confession" in front of "someone" (psychologist or "psycho-bot") who will not judge them and and reprimands for the slips made (and from which they even suffer), they end up emotionally attached to the artificial "confessor" and to the illusions (imaginary productions) associated with someone created by gpt bots (AI programs) as well as to some personified objects (gender dolls, mascots, teddy bears, etc.) and the unreal characters in the stories. And the confusion between reality and virtuality, between the real and the imaginary (more correctly the dissociation from the real and the migration to the imaginary partially superimposed on the real) leads over time not only to axiological mixing and deviations, but also to deviations, disturbances and long-lasting psychological ailments (schizophrenia , autism, various addictions and compulsions)... the serious consequences are immense in the medium and long term, some even difficult to reverse, repeated habits becoming deeply ingrained passions (see the zombie phenomenon, for example)... Plus, there is no soulful, real, spiritual communication with the invoked person, something possible only through love in the Holy Spirit according to divine laws (not anyway), but just another illusion of a continuous connection with someone dear (passed from this life in eternity, in another stage/stage of existence, in spirit, out of touch with the body), another idolatrous immersion in the limited and passionate cyclical virtual/imaginary (as the programmers are limited and passionate and the electronic machine "chews" into a limited and fine-tuned way the information given by them), where the influences/suggestions/"spells" of the demons, the first specialists in manipulation and illusionism, are also felt. P.S It is worth appreciating the fact that George Buhnici here also notices the risks and exaggerations of trust too easily given to artificial intelligence, he, who enthusiastically promotes the massive use of smart technology (smart phone, smart home, smart city, etc.), although all these technological invasions in the daily life of man also produce axiological, educational, biological and psychological changes/disorders over time, precisely in the direction of transhumanism applied and out of control, towards the extinct singularity...