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Page 27
Strength against WeaknessAlways
Battles are won by concentrating strengths.
In America, Gillette will sell the most razor blades, Frito-Lay will sell the most potato chips, and Anheuser-Busch the most beer. The reason is simply that they have more locations selling razor blades, potato chips, or beer. This sales strength is backed up with all the necessary strength of production and distribution.
Operations succeed because someone knows how to concentrate strengths against weaknesses. The rule of ratios of strengths is simple: if we do not have real superiority, we cannot win. The objective is not an equal match; seek an unequal advantage in your favor. As Napoleon said, "God is on the side of the heaviest artillery."
The issue is not one of raw numbers; superiority can be achieved in a variety of ways. In business competition, the superiority can be in elements of the marketing mix: place (locations or shelf space), price, promotion, product, etc. It can also be in the fighting spirit of the organization.
It is vital to know the strengths and weaknesses of our opponent in order to assess where the attack must be focused. Underestimate the opponent and the results can be disastrous.
The use of simple mathematical ratios to indicate when one should launch the offensive has a real application to every strategic situation. When you have overwhelming superiority, you can win. When the other side has overwhelming superiority, it will win. Between these two extremes is a variety of situations where extended combat will be required.
Much of success in any endeavor can be achieved by focusing your resources where you can achieve decisive results profitably. You cannot be strong everywhere. This requires a careful analysis of both profit opportunities and market needs. The priority ranking is important. First, you must satisfy the needs of the market. Then, and only then, can you profit from your actions. When the profit requirements are first, you have the wrong decision sequence. The market needs decision is always made before the financial decision. It's done successfully no other way.
As you think about applying strength, think about reinforcing your own strength. This is often the best way to win.

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