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Page 51
Take the Initiative
By its very nature, the offensive offers an advantage for gaining superiority.
"Intel Inside" was one of the first brand campaigns in the technology industry, and today Intel ranks high on Financial World's list of brand valuations. The perception is that an Intel processor inside your PC means having state-of-the-art technology.
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing generates about one-third of its sales revenues from new products that did not exist four years ago. In a single year it has received over 500 U.S. patents for new products. It accelerates sales for the most promising new products with a Pacing Plus initiative in which products for high growth industries are developed and marketed quickly. 1
In a relatively short time, Starbucks has successfully transformed one of the world's most commonplace beverages into a premium product sold in over 1,000 stores and continued its initiative by forming alliances with airlines, hotels, distributors, and retailers.2
Taking the initiative is first a strategic mental process followed by real tactical action. By acting first, we preserve freedom of action. If our opponent moves first, our only choice may be to react.
The attack has the advantage of initiative. It often forces action on our opponent and relegates him to second place. Initiating the offensive adds positive morale to our side.
The keys to the successful initiative are skill, preparation, and information. The norm is not enough time, not enough resources, not enough information. Consequently, the initiative often requires that "great mental leap in the dark."
The most effective and decisive way to reach the objective is to seize, retain, and exploit the initiative. Being on the offensive puts you in control and forces the opponent to react.
Only rarely will exact details be known. While the attempt to get more information is made as a matter of course, waiting for news in a difficult situation is a bad error. While data is needed to launch the offensive, normally the sooner that something is done, the better will be the odds in your favor, and the better will be the results.
Beware! The offensive does not offer a solution to all problems. Your desire for action must be matched by wisdom.

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