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Page 71
Gain the Mental Advantage
Understand the psychological factors affecting human resources.
Opportunities for victory are found in the mental capacity of the leader to integrate strategy (planning) and tactics (execution). The ultimate responsibility for victory or defeat lies with the leader, not because he must do everything, but because he must have the mental capacity and provide the means to translate sound strategy into successful tactics.
Externally, the mental advantage is achieved through surprise. You must generate a mismatch by getting inside your adversary's observation-orientation-decision-action time cycle. By the time your adversary observes what he thinks you are doing, orients himself to it, decides what to do, and takes action, "it" will be too late.
Internally, several key issues are basic to good management psychology:
Morale: Napoleon said, "The moral is to the physical as three is to one." The word "moral" refers to a worthwhile cause, a belief that what we are fighting for is just and right. It is the "moral cause" that produces high morale.
The moral issues required in business are both the moral courage to make the right decisions and act on them, and the leadership style that helps make everyone feel good about himself or herself. The business equivalent of the military courage is confidence. However, confidence must be based on knowledge and experience.
Attitude: A positive outlook and a cool head are the foundation of a good attitude.
Physical: Keep yourself physically fit and nurture a healthy business environment.
Adapt to Circumstances: No plan can see beyond the first engagement. Although it is important to follow the plan, it is equally important to know when and how to modify the plan.
Rewards: Internal motivators include profit sharing, gain sharing, glory sharing, and fame sharing. The simple pat on the back can accomplish much.
Yogi Berra purportedly said about baseball, "Ninety percent of this game is half mental." How often we hear that golf and tennis are mental games. So it is in business. The mental advantage begins with the warm confidence of a positive attitude.

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