Rulers: Congo (Kinshasa)

Traditional polities

Note: There is no hope of being comprehensive here so this record is restricted to some of the historically most important polities. Note that the Kingdom of Kongo is recorded under Angolan traditional polities.


     c.1700                Gareganze state, also called Katanga, founded
       1880                ruler adopts the style mwami (king)
       1900                state extinguished by Belgian colonial authorities

        ... -         ...  Kawumbu Sahapepala
        ... -        1856  Panda = Sanga
       1856 -        1880  Ngelengwa "Msiri"                  (b. c.1815 - d. 1891)
Kings (title mwami)
       1880 - 20 Dec 1891  Ngelengwa "Msiri"                  (s.a.)
20 Dec 1891 -        1900  Mukunda Bantu                      (b. c.1843 - d. 1910)

Kuba kingdom

Note: The polity has of course no official name. The names are given in the currently accepted transcription (without the diacritics and without the distinction between open and closed e and o), together with, in [ ], a common traditional transcription.
      c.550                legendary date of foundation of the kingdom
       1600                kingdom consolidated by Shyaam aMbul aNgoong
                           [Shamba Bolongongo]

Kings (title Nyim [Nyimi])
- Bushoong dynasty -
       1776 -        1810  Kot aMbul [Kata Mbula]
       1810 -        1840  Miko miMbul [Mikope Mbula]
       1840 -        1885  Mbop aMabiinc maMbul [Bope Mobinji]
       1885 -        1890  Miko aMabiinc maMbul
                           [Mikope Mobinji]
       1890 -        1896  Kot aMbweeky aMileng [Koto Mboke]
       1896 -        1900  Misha aPelyeeng [Mishanga Pelenge]
       1900                Miko aPelyeeng [Mikope Pelenge]
       1900                Mbop Pelyeeng II [Bope Pelenge]
       1900                ... [Mingashanga Bake]
       1900                Kot aKyeen [Kwete Kena]
       1900 -        1901  Mbop aKyeen [Bope Kena]
       1901 -        1902  Miko miKyeen [Mikope Kena]
       1902 -        1916  Kot aPe [Kwete Peshanga Kena]
       1916 -        1919  Mbop aMabiinc maMbweeky
                           [Bope Mobinji Boke]
       1919 -        1939  Kot aMabiinc maKyeen
                           [Kwete Mobinji Kena]
       1939 -    Sep 1969  Mbop aMabiinc maKyeen
                           [Bope Mobinji Kena]
   Sep 1969 -              Kot aMbweeky aShyaang [Kwete Mboke]

Luba kingdom(s)

       1585                Luba kingdom founded
       1889                ruling lineage split into two ruling lineages

Kings or emperors (title muLopwe)
       1781 -        1809  Ilunga Nsungu
     c.1800                  Kasongo Kukaya (in rebellion)
       1809 -        1837  Kumwimba Ngombe
       1837                Ndaye Muzinga (usurper)
       1837 -        1864  Ilunga Kabale
       1864 -        1865  Maloba Konkola
       1865 -        1869  Kitamba
       1869 -        1886  Kasongo a Kalombo                  (b. ... - d. 1886)
       1886 -        1889  Nday a Mande                       (b. ... - d. 1889)
- Lineage 1 -
       1889 -    Oct 1917  Kasongo a Nyembo                   (b. 18... - d. 1917)
       1917 -        1935  Umpafu Ilunga Kumwimba             (b. ... - d. 1948)
       1935 -        1957  Ilunga Kisuku
       1957 -        1964  Kasongo a Nyembo
       1964 -              Kisula Ngoy
- Lineage 2 -
       1889 -        1946  Kabongo Kumwimba Tshimbu           (b. ... - d. 1946)
       1946 - 25 Oct 1960  Kabongo Boniface Kalowa
                           = Ilunga Balowa Boniface
                           = Dibwe Kalowa Boniface            (b. 1905/10 - d. 1960)
   Oct 1960 -        198.  Kabongo Makassa Dibwe              (b. ... - d. 198...)

Ruund [Luunda]

Note: The same convention about transcription of names as under Kuba applies.
     c.1500                Ruund [Luunda] state founded
       1690                the ruler adopts the style Mwaant Yaav [Mwaanta Yaava]

Rulers (title Mwaant Yaav [Mwaanta Yaava])
       1775 -        1800  Cikomb Yaav Italesh [Cikombe Yaava]
       1800 -        1852  Naweej II a Ditend [Naweeji Yaava
                           Ditende "Diuta"]
       1852 -        1857  Mulaj a Namwan [Mulaji aMbala]
       1857                Cakasekene Naweej
       1857 -        1873  Muteb II a Cikomb
                           [Muteba yaCikombe]
       1873 -        1874  Mbal II a Kamong Isot [Mbala]      (b. ... - d. 1874)
       1874 -        1883  Mbumb I Muteb a Kat
                           [Mbumba Muteba]
       1883 -        1884  Cimbindu a Kasang
                           [Cimbindu Ditende]
       1884 -        1885  Kangapu Naweej [Kangapu Naweeji]   (b. ... - d. 1885)
       1885 -        1886  Mudib [Kibamba Mudiba]             (b. ... - d. 1886)
       1886 -        1887  Mutand Mukaz [Mutanda Mukanza]     (b. ... - d. 1887)
       1887                Mbal III a Kalong [Mbala Cilombe]
       1887 -        1907  Mushid I a Nambing [Mushidi]       (b. ... - d. 1907)
       1907 -        1920  Muteb I a Kasang [Muteba]
                           (in rebellion from 1898)
       1920 -        1951  Kaumbw Diur [Kaumba]
       1951 -    Jun 1963  Yaav a Naweej III [Yaava Naweeji]
       1963 -        1965  Mushid II "Lumanga" Kawel a Kamin
   Dec 1965 - 27 Nov 1973  Muteb II Mushid [Muteba Mushidi]
27 Nov 1973 -        1984  Mbumb II Muteb [Mbumba Muteba]     (b. ... - d. 1984)
       1984 - 27 Jan 2005  Kawel II                           (b. 1932? - d. 2005)
28 Jan 2005 -              Mushid III                         (b. 1945)

Kasongo Luunda (Yaka)

     c.1700                Kasongo Luunda state founded

Rulers (title Kyambvu)
        ... -        1859  Muteeba Kadi = Muteeba Nzuzi = Mbaala
       1859 -        1886  Naweesi
       1886 -        1894  Tsiimba Mukuumbi
       1894 -        1902  Lukookisa
       1902 -        1904  Muloombo
       1904 -        1915  Mwaana Koko = Kodi Pwaanga (1st time)
       1915 -        1922  Mulumbi Mbisi
       1922 -        1925  Kabeya
       1925 -        1929  Bivula = Bangi
       1929 -        1939  Mwaana Koko = Kodi Pwaanga (2nd time)
       1939 -        1941  Kambaamba
       1941 -        1945  Mukulu Désiré
       1945 -        19..  Paandzu Pfumukulu
       1974 -        1996  ...
       1996 -              ...


Note: From c.1873 there are many branches of the dynasty; this record only concerns the main lineage.
     c.1750                Mangbetu kingship established

Rulers (title mkinyi kpokpo)
        ... -         ...  Orua Ero
        ... -         ...  Mebula
        ... -        1815  Manzika
       1815 -        1859  Nabiembali
       1859 -        1867  Tuba
       1867 -        1873  Mbunza
       1873 -        1879  Nesogo
       1873 - 27 Dec 1895  Niangara
                           (establishes separate polity)
       1879 -        1881  Mambanga (1st time)
   Nov 1881 -        1883  Mbittima (under Egyptian occupation)
       1883                Mambanga (2nd time)
                           (goes on to establish another branch)
       1883 -         ...  Koi Mbunza