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Chapter 10

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Ver. 1. Now. Septuagint, "and." (Haydock) --- This has no connexion with what goes before. (Calmet) --- This history is given more at large, 1 Kings xxxi., and 2 Kings i. (Menochius)

Ver. 3.

Reached: literally, "found." (Haydock) --- Hebrew, or "attacked him, and he feared the archers. He was not, at least, mortally wounded, when he took the desperate resolution to destroy himself, through fear and consternation. (Calmet) Yet the original will admit the sense of the Vulgate and Saul might have received some wounds. Septuagint, "Archers found him with bows, and in labours, and he laboured on account of (or to avoid) the bows." (Haydock)

Ver. 4.

Fear and reverence for his master, (Calmet) as well as concern for his own safety. (Haydock)

Ver. 6.

Fell. Hebrew, "died." (Calmet) --- But, though the house of Saul was fallen from its former glory, on this fatal day, when so many of his courtiers perished; yet he left Isboseth to bewail his fate, (Haydock) and some others who were not of age to go to battle. (Calmet)

Ver. 9.

To be. Hebrew, "to carry tidings to their idols, (sorrows) and to the people." They exposed the spoils in the temples, and gave thanks to their idols for the victory.

Ver. 10.

Head, while his body was hung on the walls of Bethsan, 1 Kings xxxi. 10. (Calmet) --- The temple of Dagon was contiguous to the wall. (Du Hamel)

Ver. 12.

Oak, well known at Jabes. Elsewhere the word is translated, the grove. (Calmet)

Ver. 13.

For. Septuagint, "in his iniquities." (Haydock) --- See 1 Kings xiii. 9., and xv. 23. Saul offered sacrifice unlawfully, and spared some of the Amalecites. (Worthington)
Subpages (1): Chapter 11