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Douay-Rheims Study Bible on 1 Thessalonians

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How Paul with Silas, or Silvanus, and Timothy according to a vision calling him out of Asia, into Macedonia, came to Philippi being the first city thereof, we read Acts 16. And how again from Philippi, after scourging and imprisoning there, he came to Thessalonica being the head city of that country, we read Acts 17, where after three weeks preaching, the Jews stirred the city against them, and pursued them also to Berea: so that Paul was conveyed from there to Athens, where he expected the coming of Silas and Timothy from the aforesaid Berea in Macedonia, but received them, as we have Acts 18, at Corinth in Achaia. Having therefore left the Thessalonians in such persecution, and being careful to know how they did in it, he was desirous to return unto them, as he signifies in the 2nd chapter of this Epistle verse 17. But as he there adds, Satan hindered us, therefore tarrying himself at Athens, he sends Timothy unto them, at whose return understanding their constancy, he is much comforted, as he declares, chapter 3. So then they are all three together at the writing of this Epistle, as also we have in the title of it: Paul and Silvanus and Timothy to the Church of the Thessalonians. And therefore it seems to have been written at Corinth, not at Athens: because after sending of Timothy to Thessalonica, they meet not at Athens again, but at Corinth. The first three chapters of it are, to confirm and comfort them against the temptations of those persecutions. The other two are of exhortation, to live according to his precepts, namely, in sanctification of their bodies, and not in fornication: to love one another: to comfort one another about their friends departed, with the doctrine of the Resurrection, and with continual preparations to die: the laity to obey, and the Clergy to be diligent in every point of their office.

Subpages (1): Chapter 1