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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on 2 Chronicles

Chapter 13
[2] Michaia: Alias Maacha. Her father had also two names, viz., Absalom, or Abessalom, and Uriel.

[5] A covenant of salt: That is, a firm and perpetual covenant. See Num. 18. 19.
Chapter 16
[1] Six and thirtieth year of his kingdom: That is, of the kingdom of Juda, taking the date of it from the beginning of the reign of Reboam.
Chapter 18
[19] Who shall deceive: See the annotations, 3 Kings 22.
Chapter 21
[17] Joachaz: Alias Ochozias.
Chapter 22
[2] Forty-two: Divers Greek Bibles read thirty-two, agreeably to 4 Kings 8. 26.
Chapter 23
[5] To the sabbath: That is, to perform in your weeks the functions of your office, or the weekly watches.
Chapter 28
[19] For he had stripped it of help: That is, Achaz stripped the kingdom of Juda of the divine assistance by his wickedness, and by his introducing idolatry.
Chapter 33
[3] The host of heaven: The sun, moon, and stars.
Chapter 36
[9] Eight years old: He was associated by his father to the kingdom, when he was but eight years old; but after his father's death, when he reigned alone, he was eighteen years old. 4 Kings 24. 8.