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Ishodad of Merv on 2 Thessalonians



Now when the Apostle learned that the evil doctrines of the opponents existed still, and that they plotted in every way to hurt the Believers; and also that they the Believers were expecting that the end of the world was near, from what the Apostle had said, The Lord is at hand, etc.; and he heard also that they on whose account he had written in that letter were not living orderly; for these reasons he wrote to them also this letter.

2 Thess 2:2-3
This, That you be not troubled, either by word, or by spirit, etc.; not even if a man shows that he speaks as if by the operation of the Spirit; nor if by our own word or by our epistle he says that he has heard about that time, believe him not; for except there come first a falling away, for he calls that time a falling away, when almost all men shall rush from the Truth to that Deceiver. He calls him the Man of sin, because he is the Man in whom Satan dwells and works all evil things; for it is said that a virgin from among the Jews will be seduced by some sorcerer among the graves, and the Man of Destruction will be conceived in the district of Capernaum; and he will proclaim about himself that he had been virginally conceived and given birth, and he will be escorted by Demons; and that he is the Son of Abraham and David, etc.
2 Thess 2:4
And exalts himself above all that is called God and is worshipped; because he turns all men to his worship, as he says, I am the Christ; and to me worship is due from all creatures; and in me are waiting and expecting all names amongst all nations, and because I was hidden, they have called me by all names; but now that I have appeared, cease from your error; and with one mind worship me ; so that also he sits in the Temple of God, as God, etc.; for he enters the Temple, and sits upon the Altar; and causes the Lessons and the Mysteries to cease, etc.
2 Thess 2:6-9
And now you know what withholds that he should be taken away; that is to say, you know who it is that withholds and hinders him, so that when this time is finished he shall be revealed, and shall bring out his will. Now Paul calls his being shown up a revelation, because Satan, since the coming of our Lord, has this project, how he is able to hurt men; nevertheless God hinders him; but when he is allowed, he shows his mind in action. For the mystery of iniquity has already begun; that is to say, although Satan does not complete the apostasy openly ; but works many things even now as if through mysteries, and always studies by means of makers of error to turn men from the Truth.  Only if He who now withholds is taken away from the midst; the Interpreter says that Paul sometimes calls that which withholds His care, and sometimes His fiat; but he says, when the limit has been completed, that is appointed for him by God, by whom he is now hindered from being revealed, then shall that Wicked One be revealed, John says about withholds; that the Apostle alludes to the authority of the Romans; that when it shall be destroyed, then the Wicked One shall be revealed; but he said this enigmatically, that he might not fall into danger from the Government ; but this idea is not happy.  That our Lord Jesus shall consume him, etc. It is not that He will consume Satan, for He will deliver him to everlasting torment; but about that Man he says that he was his own instrument for all evil things; for he shall perish in his body and his soul together; first, because of his wickedness, as he is unworthy to have intercourse with the creatures of God ; second, as an example of the power of God, which is able to annihilate visible beings and invisible; third, that sinners may recognize the greatness of His grace, that when they were worthy of destruction, yet He did not destroy them, and may justify His righteousness and blame themselves. Others say that he shall not perish, but shall be tormented for ever along with his Chief. And he shall perish, and he shall be destroyed are like As smoke is consumed, so shall they consume away; and this, Because the wicked shall perish, and the enemies of the Lord, etc,; and Let the sinners be consumed out of the earth, and what follows this. Nevertheless the Apostle confirms his destruction by three witnesses. He says the son of perdition, and He shall consume him, and He shall destroy him; for his coming is by the working of Satan in all power, etc.; for Paul shows here that he is one thing, and Satan, who works in him, and is revealed, is another. With all power and signs, 'because he will show many signs? In illusions and imaginations he will open the eyes of the blind, and will cleanse lepers, and cast out devils, and raise the dead, these being demons in the place of dead men; and then he shall command them to rise, etc.; for just as an artist imitates nature in a likeness, in that way he will work signs.
2 Thess 3:17
The salutation in the writing of my hand, I Paul, he calls the putting on of a hand in the Epistle the salutation.