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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on 2 Timothy

In this Epistle, the Apostle again instructs and admonishes Timothy in what belonged to his office, as in the former; and also warns him to shun the conversation of those who had erred from the truth, describing at the same time their character, He tells him of his approaching death and desires him to come speedily to him. It appears from this circumstance that he wrote this second Epistle in the time of his last imprisonment at Rome and not long before his martyrdom.
Chapter 1
[10] By the illumination: That is, by the bright coming and appearing of our Saviour.
Chapter 3
[8] Jannes and Mambres: The magicians of king Pharao.

[16] All scripture,: Every part of divine scripture is certainly profitable for all these ends. But, if we would have the whole rule of Christian faith and practice, we must not be content with those Scriptures, which Timothy knew from his infancy, that is, with the Old Testament alone: nor yet with the New Testament, without taking along with it the traditions of the apostles, and the interpretation of the church, to which the apostles delivered both the book, and the true meaning of it.


Chapter 4

[5] An evangelist: a diligent preacher of the gospel.
