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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on Baruch

BARUCH was a man of noble extraction, and learned in the law, secretary and disciple to the prophet JEREMIAS, and a sharer in his labours and persecutions: which is the reason why the ancient fathers have considered this book as a part of the prophecy of JEREMIAS, and have usually quoted it under his name.
Chapter 2
[17] Justice: They that are in hell shall not give justice to God; that is, they shall not acknowledge and glorify his justice as penitent sinners do upon earth.
Chapter 3
[22] Theman: The capital city of Edom.

[23] Agar: The mother of the Ismaelites.
[38] Was seen upon earth: viz., by the mystery of the incarnation, by means of which the son of God came visibly amongst us, and conversed with men. The prophets often speak of things to come as if they were past, to express the certainty of the event of the things foretold.
Chapter 4
[32] She that received: viz., Babylon.
Chapter 6
[2] Seven generations: That is, seventy years.
[56] They that are stronger than them: That is, robbers and thieves are stronger than these idols, being things without life or motion.