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ABEL-SHITTIM was in the plains of Moab, beyond Jordan, opposite to Jericho. It is, undoubtedly, the Abila of Josephus (Ant. v. 1. 1. Bell. Jud. iv. 7. 6.) and lay according to him about 60 stadia or furlongs from the Jordan. Numb, xxxiii. 49. comp. 1 xxii. 1. It is more frequently called Shittini alone, Numb. xv. 1. Josh. ii. 1. Micah vi. 5. Eusebius says, it was in the neighborhood of mouiit Peor. Moses encamped at Abel-Shittim before the Israel ites passed the Jordan, under Joshua Here, seduced by Balnk, they fell into idolatry, and worshipped Baal-Peor; on account of which God severely punished them by the hands of the Levites, chap. XXV.
