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I. ABIRAM, the eldest son of Hiel the Bethelite Joshua, after having destroyed Jericho, uttered the imprecation : " Cursed be the man before the Lo that riseth up and buildeth this city Jericho : he shall lay the foundation thereof in his first-born, and his youngest son shall beset up the gate of it," Jos vi. 26. About 537 years after this, Hiel undertake to rebuild the city ; and in conformity with the prediction, he lost his children, 1 Kings xvi. 34. It not expressly said, either in the course, or in the m ration, that the children should die ; but this is clearly implied. Hiel, it will be observed, is not blamed 1 his proceeding; his loss is mentioned only its remarkable fulfillment of a prediction ; and it possible that the prediction was unknown to him. See Barren.


II. ABIRAM, one of the three persons who conspired with Korah to overthrow the authority of Moses in the wilderness, and upon whom God inflicted an awful punishment. He was the son of Eliab, of the tribe of Reuben, Numb. xvi.
