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ABNER, son of Ner, uncle to Saul, and general of his armies, 1 Sam. xiv. 51. For seven years after the death of Saul he preserved the crown to Ishbosheth, the son of that prince, though generally unsuccessful in the contests that arose between his troops and those of David, who reigned at Hebron, in Judah. Ishbosheth having accused him of taking undue liberties with Rizpah, a concubine of Saul, Abner went over to David, and undertook to deliver the whole kingdom into his hands. In this, however, he was prevented, for immediately after quitting Hebron, for the purpose of carrying his design into effect, he was slain by Joab, the general of David's armies, to revenge the death of his brother Asabel, who had fallen by the hand of Abner, (2 Sam. ii. 20.) or more probably from jealousy. The king was deeply afflicted at the perfidy and cruelty of Joab, and attended the funeral solemnities of Abner in per son. He also composed an elegy on his death, 2 Sam. iii.
