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ACHIOR, general of the Ammonites, who joined Holofernes with auxiliary troops, in that general's expedition into Egypt. Bethulia having shut its fates against Holofernes, he called the princes of Moab and Amnion, and demanded of them, with great passion, who those people were that opposed his passage ; presuming that the Moabites, and Ammonites, being neighbors to the Hebrews, could best inform him. Achior answered, " My lord, these people are originally of Chaldea ; but because they would not worship the gods of the Chaldeans, they were obliged to leave their country." He related, also, Jacob's descent into Egypt, the miracles of Moses, and the conquest of Canaan ; observing, that the people were visibly protected by God, while they continued faithful to him ; but that God never failed to take vengeance on their infidelity. " Now there fore," added he, " learn whether they have committed any fault against their God ; if so, attack them, for he will deliver them up into your hands : if not, we shall not be able to resist them, because God will undertake their defense, and cover us with confusion," Judith" v. 2, 3, &c. Holofernes, transported with fury, answered him, " Since you have taken upon you to be a prophet, in telling us that the God of Israel would be the defender of his people, to show you there is no other god besides Nebuchodonosor, my master, when we have put all these people to the edge of the sword, we will destroy you likewise, and you shall understand that Nebuchodonosor is lord of all the earth." Achior was then canned out near to the city, and left bound, that the inhabitants might take him into the city. This was done, and Achior declaring what had happened, the people of Bethlia fell with their faces to the ground, and with great cries begged God's assistance, beseeching him to vindicate the honor of his name, and to humble the pride of their enemies. After this they consoled Achior, and Ozias, one of the leaders of the people, received him into his house, where he continued during the siege. After the death of Holofernes, and the discomfiture of his army, Achior abandoned the heathen superstitions, and was received into Israel by circumcision, Judith xiv. 6, seq.
