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ADARSA, or Adasa, (1 Mace. vii. 40.) a city of Ephrahn, four miles from Beth-horon, and not far from Gophna, Joseph. Antiq. lib. xii. cap. 17 ; Euseb in Adasa. Perhaps, between the upper Beth-horon and Diospolis ; because it is said (1 Mace. vii. 45.' the victorious army of Judas pursued the Syrians from Adasa to Gadara, or Gazara, which is one day'.' journey. Adarsa is also called Adazer, and Adaco or Acedosa, in Josephus, Antiq. lib. xii. cap. 17. and de Bello, lib. i. cap. 1. Here Nicanor was over come, and his army put to flight by Judas Maccabaeus, notwithstanding he had 3000 men only, while Nicanor had 35,000. Josephus tells us, that Judas in another war, was killed in this place, de Bello lib. i. cap. 1.
