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ADONIJAH, fourth son of David, by Haggith, was born at Hebron, while his father was acknowledged king by only part of Israel, 2 Sam. iii, 2, 4. His elder brothers, Amnon and Absalom, being dead, Adonijah believed the crown by right belonged to him, and made an effort to get acknowledged king before his father's death. For this purpose he set up a magnificent equipage, with chariots and horse men, and fifty men to run before him ; and contracted very close engagements with Joab the gen era], and Abiathar the priest, who had more interest with the king than any others. Having matured his plans, Adonijah made a great entertainment for his adherents, near the fountain Rogel, east of the city, and below the walls, to which he invited all the king's sons, except Solomon ; and also the principal persons of Judah, except Nathan, Zadok, and Be-naiah, who were not of his party. His design was at this time to be proclaimed king, and to assume the government before the death of David. Nathan, however, having obtained a knowledge of his de sign, went with Bathsheba to the king, who informed him of Adonijah's proceedings, and interceded in favor of Solomon. David immediately gave orders that Solomon should be proclaimed king of Israel, which was promptly done, and the intelligence so alarmed Adonijah and his party, that they dispersed in great confusion. Fearing that Solomon would put him to death, Adonijah retired to the tabernacle, and laid hold on the horns of the altar. Solomon, however, generously pardoned him, and sent him home, 1 Kings i.

Some time after David's death, Adonijah, by means of Bathsheba, the mother of Solomon, intrigued to obtain Abishag, the recent wife of his father ; but Solomon, suspecting it to be a project to obtain the kingdom, had him put to death, ch. ii. 13, &c. A. M. 2990, ante A. D. 1014.
