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I. ADRAMMELECH, magnificent king, son of Sennacherib, king of Assyria, (Isaiah xxxvii. 38 ; 2 Kings xix. 37.) who, upon returning to Nineveh, after his fatal expedition into Judea, against Hezekiah, was killed by his two sons, Adrammelech and Sharezer, who fled to the mountains of Armenia. A. M. 3291, ante A. D. 713.


II. ADRAMMELECH, one of the gods adored by the inhabitants of Sepharvaim, who settled in Samaria, in the stead of those Israelites who were carried beyond the Euphrates. They made their children pass through fire in honor of this false deity, and of another called Anammelech, 2 Kings xvii. 31. The Rabbins say, that Adrammelech was represented under the form of a mule. The more general opinion is, that Adrammelech represented the sun, and Anammelech the moon. At any rate, they seem to be the personifications of some of the heavenly bodies.
