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ADRIA, an ancient city of Italy, on the Tartaro, in the state of Venice. It gave name to the Adriatic sea, or the sea of Adria, Acts xxvii. 27.

It appears from the narrative of Paul's voyage, just referred to, that, although the name of Adria be longed in a proper sense only to the sea within the Adriatic gulf, it was given in a looser manner to a larger extent, including the Sicilian and Ionian sea. Thus also Ptolemy says, (lib. iii. cap. 4.) that Sicily was bounded east by the Adriatic, and (cap. 16.) that Crete was washed on the west by the Adriatic sea ; and Strabo says, (lib. vii.) that the Ionian gulf is a part of that which in his time was called the Adriatic sea.
