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AGABUS, a prophet, and, as the Greeks suppose, one of the seventy disciples of our Savior. While Paul and Barnabas were at Antioch, on their way to Jerusalem, certain prophets came down from Judea, among whom was Agabus, Acts xi. 28. And he mood up, and signified by the Spirit that there would be a great famine throughout all the world, or Roman empire. This famine, which Luke in forms us happened in the days of Claudius, (A. D. 44.) is noticed by profane historians, and Suetonius (in Claudio) observes that during its continuance the emperor was himself insulted in the market-place, and obliged to retire to his palace. — About ten years after, (A. D. 54.) as Paul was at Cesarea, on his way to Jerusalem, for the last time before his imprisonment, the same Agabus came down from Jerusalem ; and, having bound his own hands and feet with Paul's girdle, prophesied that in like manner Paul should be bound at Jerusalem by the Jews, and delivered over to the Gentiles, Acts xxi. 10, 11.
