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Chapter 1

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Col 1:12 

This, Who has made us meet for a share in the inheritance of the Saints in light, that is to say, God has made you worthy by means of the knowledge of Him for the choir of Saints, when you were strangers to religion. In light, that is to say, by means of the knowledge of God.


Col 1:13

This, Translated us into the kingdom of His dear Son; the Greek says, the Son of His love.


Col 1:15

Who is the likeness of the Invisible God; the Greek says, the Image, that is, in Him we see and form in our minds the invisible substance as in a visible Image.

And the first-born of every creature. The name of first-born, in many places, Scripture indicates for honor, and not for priority of birth, like this, I will also make him the first-born, and Israel, my first-born, that is to say, worthy of honor, and it is evident that there were before them men who were called Sons of God, like this, the sons of Elohim saw, etc (Gen 6:2). Christ in the flesh also in priority of time is called the first-born of every creature; because He was first in immortal life, and the originator of regeneration; and in the Epistle to the Romans (8:29), the Apostle said plainly, that Christ might be the first-born among many brethren, who were in His likeness. Thus also in the Epistle to the Hebrews (12:23) it is said, To the Church of the first-born, which are written in Heaven; showing the greatness of the honor of which they were made worthy, and not that they were preferred to other brethren; and because he added every creature, he alludes to Him, that He is more honorable than all the creation.


Col 1:16-17

And by Him were all things created that are in Heaven; he did not say by means of Him, but by Him; for he does not speak about the first creation, but about the renovation which was by Christ, who brought to one unity the creatures which had been rent asunder from one another; because Man is a link between all the creatures, those in Heaven and those on the earth. And because it was not evident by means of in Heaven and on the earth, he says, whether visible or invisible; because there are things in Heaven that are visible, like the Sun and the Moon and the Stars, specifying, he says, all that is visible and all that is invisible; all these, he says, in short, were united to Him, and have been strengthened by Him, and renewed by Him. And because it was supposed that what had been said about a man was incredible, he says. By Him were all things created; all things were created by His hand and by Him; saying. Be not surprised; for the authority was not in His nature, but in the Nature that  dwells in Him, by whose hands all was created, and He is before all things (Verse 17). And after the Apostle has said this about His Divine nature; again he speaks about the Manhood; and it is no wonder if in speaking about the Man, he changes to the Godhead. This he did in the Epistle to the Philippians and in other places. And that in all things He might have the pre-eminence; and not only because He began first in the Resurrection, but He was also first in greatness of honor, for all creatures offer honor to His greatness on account of His unity with the Word.


Col 1:18-19

As it pleased God that in Him should all fullness dwell. He calls the fullness of God both the Church and all Creation; and again he calls fulfillment Him who fills all in all, saying It pleased God, that in Christ all the fullness of Creation should dwell, which is filled from Him, as He wished to unite it to Himself. Hanana says He gathered all beings as scattered members to one substance of the body of Christ; that Christ might be the  filling up of all the defectiveness that is in you, being united and joined together like members to the head; and completed in Him by the power of grace, in all the fullness of God, that is to say, as in the place of a pure temple to God; and he constantly dwells in them. Others say that he calls all Creation the fullness. This of dwelling, that is to say, uniting; for He has united all the members of Faith to Himself as to the Head of the body, in the same order as that found in Nature. Who, he says (Verse 18), is the Head of the body of the Church, who is the beginning, and the first-born from the dead; for what the head is naturally to the members of the body, so is the Christ to Believers, like one who unites them spiritually in one body, and sends life and preservation to holiness, etc.; and to all His members.


Col 1:20

And by His means to reconcile all things unto Himself, by His death He reconciled all things, and this is the meaning of "His blood" and "by His Cross.”


Col 1:24-25

And I fill up that which is behind of the afflictions of Christ, etc.; that is to say, because Christ suffered before for your advantage, to make you His Body by means of the Resurrection, whatever afflictions are wanting on your account, I fill up. What then was wanting? That since you have learnt the things that were done by Him for your sakes, you should receive the promises about them; but this could not be without toils and afflictions. On account of this therefore I suffer, going about and preaching the things that have been effected by Christ; while you are believing by means of the love of your souls, you receive relationship to Him, whereof I have been made a minister (Verse 25); it is evident that by means of toils and afflictions Paul increased faith in Christ amongst the Nation and the Gentiles.


Col 1:26

The mystery that has been hidden from the worlds; he calls the administration of our Lord a mystery. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment here, also in the Epistles to the Galatians and to the Ephesians.



He calls future life the things to which not one good will be wanting.


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