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Dan 12

Michael will save God's chosen people
1 But at that time shall Michael rise up, the great prince, who stands for the children of your people: and a time shall come, such as never was from the time that nations began, even until that time. And at that time shall your people be saved, every one that shall be found written in the book. 2 And many of those that sleep in the dust of the earth, shall awake: some unto life everlasting, and others unto reproach, to see it always. 3 But they that are learned, shall shine as the brightness of the firmament: and they that instruct many to justice, as stars for all eternity. 4 But you, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time appointed: many shall pass over, and knowledge shall be manifold.
Daniel questions the angels
5 And I, Daniel, looked, and behold as it were two others stood: one on this side upon the bank of the river, and another on that side, on the other bank of the river. 6 And I said to the man that was clothed in linen, that stood upon the waters of the river: How long shall it be to the end of these wonders? 7 And I heard the man that was clothed in linen, that stood upon the waters of the river, when he had lifted up his right hand, and his left hand to heaven, and had sworn by him that lives for ever, that it should be unto a time, and times, and half a time. And when the scattering of the band of the holy people shall be accomplished, all these things shall be finished.

The prophecy not to revealed now
8 And I heard, and understood not. And I said: O my lord, what shall be after these things? 9 And he said: Go, Daniel, because the words are shut up, and sealed until the appointed time. 10 Many shall be chosen, and made white, and shall be tried as fire: and the wicked shall deal wickedly, and none of the wicked shall understand, but the learned shall understand. 11 And from the time when the continual sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination unto desolation shall be set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred ninety days. 12 Blessed is he that waitedth, and comes unto a thousand three hundred thirty-five days. 13 But go your ways until the time appointed: and you shall rest, and stand in your lot unto the end of the days.
Commentary on Daniel 12
12:1 Michael: means “Who is like God”; Whenever some act of wondrous power must be performed, Michael is sent, so that his action and his name may make it clear that no one can do what God does by his superior power. So also our ancient foe Satan desired in his pride to be like God, saying: I will ascend into heaven; I will exalt my throne above the stars of heaven; I will be like the Most High. He will be allowed to remain in power until the end of the world when he will be destroyed in the final punishment. Then, he will fight with the archangel Michael, as we are told by John in Revelation: A battle was fought with Michael the archangel. (St. Gregory the Great) and a time shall come: But as in the persecutions which happen from time to time, so also then God will permit these things, not because He wants power to hinder them, but because according to His wont He will through patience crown His own champions like as He did His Prophets and Apostles; to the end that having toiled for a little while they may inherit the eternal kingdom of heaven, For the martyrs during the time of the Great Tribulation shall excel all martyrs. For the martyrs of times past have wrestled with men only; but in the time of Antichrist they shall do battle with Satan in his own person. And former persecuting kings only put to death; they did not pretend to raise the dead, nor did they make false shows of signs and wonders. But in the Antichrist's time there shall be the evil inducement both of fear and of deceit, so that if it be possible the very elect shall be deceived Mat 24:24. (St. Cyril of Jerusalem) in the book: the consciences and works of each one; and the book of life the fore-knowledge of God, which cannot be deceived, concerning those to whom eternal life will be given, in which they are written, that is, foreknown. (St. Bede) 12:2 There will be a resurrection. Some will rise to glory, others to eternal shame. Will all persons rise at this time? It says that many will rise. The word for many is the odd Hebrew <rabbim>, which means the all who are many. (Fr. Most)

12:3 You can see, therefore, how great is the difference between righteous ignorance and instructed righteousness. Those who have the first are compared with the stars, those who have the second with the heavens. In fact ignorance of a clergyman prevents him from building up Christ’s Church, he does it great injury by failing to resist those who are trying to pull it down. (St. Jerome)

12:4 He who had revealed manifold truth to Daniel now signifies that the things he has said are matters of secrecy, and he orders him to roll up the scroll containing his words and set a seal upon the book, with the result that many shall read it and inquire as to its fulfilment in history, differing in their opinions because of its great obscurity. And as for the statement, "Many shall pass over" or "go through," this indicates that it will be read by many people. For it is a familiar expression to say: "I have gone through a book," or, "I have passed through an historical account." But that book can be opened by one who has learned the mysteries of Scripture and understands its hidden truths, and its words which seem dark because of the greatness of the secrets they contain. He it is who can interpret the parables and transmute the letter which killeth into the spirit which quickeneth. (St. Jerome)
12:5-6 Daniel saw two angels standing on either side upon the bank of the river of Babylon. Although it is mentioned here without specifying its name, I suppose that in line with the preceding vision it would be the Tigris River, which is called Eddecel (H-d-q-l) in Hebrew. Yet Daniel does not address his question to those who were standing upon either bank, but rather to the one whom he had seen at the beginning, who was clothed in vesture of linen or byssus, which is called baddim (b-d-y-m) in Hebrew. (St. Jerome)

12:7 a time, and times, and an half a time: By this he indicated the three and a half years of Antichrist. For by a time he means a year; and by times, two years; and by an half time, half a year. These are the “one thousand two hundred and ninety days” of which Daniel prophesied; see verse 12:11. (St. Hippolytus)

12:9-10 And if the prophet himself heard and did not understand, what will be the case with those men who presumptuously expound a book which has been sealed, and that too unto the time of the end, a book which is shrouded
with many obscurities? But he comments that when the end comes, the ungodly will lack comprehension, whereas those who are learned in the teaching of God will be able to understand. (St. Jerome)

12:11 Further, this persecution is to be attended with the cessation of all religious worship. "They shall take away the Daily Sacrifice,"—words which the early Fathers interpret to mean, that Antichrist will suppress for three years and a half all religious worship. St. Augustine questions whether baptism even will be administered to infants during that season. (John Henry Newman)

12:12 He means that he is blessed who waits for forty-five days beyond the predetermined number, for it is within that period that our Lord and Savior is to come in His glory. But the reason for the forty-five days of inaction after the slaying of the Antichrist is a matter which rests in the knowledge of God; unless, of course, we say that the rule of the saints is delayed in order that their patience may be tested. (St. Jerome) This period of time could be related to the time after the slaying of the Antichrist in Daniel 7:11-12.
Catechism of the Catholic Church
992; 12:2 998
Subpages (1): Dan 13 (Susanna)