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St. Jerome's Notes on Esther


Addition A: Vulgate 11.2-12.6
Hebrew 1.1-2.18
Addition B: Vulgate 13.1-7
Hebrew 3.14-4.17
Addition C: Vulgate 13.8-18; 14.1-19
Addition D: Vulgate 15.4-19 (often renumbered in other versions as 15.1-16; Vulgate 15.1-3 is not generally translated in such collections)
Hebrew 5.3-8.12
Addition E: Vulgate 16.1-24
Hebrew 8.13-10.3
Addition F: Vulgate 10.4-13; 11.1


Before Addition A: This was also the beginning in the common edition, which is found neither in the Hebrew nor among any other translations.
After Addition A: Up to here is the proem.
Before Addition B: These which follow are set in the place where it is written in the scroll "and they plundered their goods" or "their substance," which we find only in the common edition.
After Addition B: Up to here is the text of the letter.
Before C: These which follow I have found written after the place where it is read "and hurrying, Mordechai did everything which Esther had commanded him," yet they are not found in the Hebrew and are not found inside any other translations.
Before 15.1: These also I found added to the common edition.
Before D: And also these too, which are below.
Before E: The text of the letter of King Artaxerxes, which he sent on behalf of the Jews to all the provinces of his kingdom, which also is not itself found in the Hebrew scroll.
Before F: Those things which are found in the Hebrew I have expressed with complete accuracy. And these things which follow I have found written in the common edition in which are contained the language and letters of the Greeks, and sometimes after the end of the book this chapter is found, which, according to our custom, we annotate with an obelus, that is, a spit.
