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Chapter 3

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Ver. 1. Month. Tisri, famous for the feasts of trumpets, of expiation, and of tabernacles. (Du Hamel) --- The Israelites might spend four months on their journey, and two in making preparations for the feast of tabernacles, (Tirinus) and in erecting huts for themselves. (Calmet)

Ver. 2.

Josue, or Jesus, (Jeshua) the son of Josedec: he was the high priest at that time; (Challoner) the first after the captivity. --- Salathiel, by whom he was brought up, though he was born of Phadaia, 1 Paralipomenon iii. 19. (Calmet) --- Protestants read Shealtiel.

Ver. 3.

Fear. This must not prevent God's servants from offering sacrifice. (Worthington)

Ver. 7.

Meat, in imitation of Solomon, 3 Kings v. 11. --- Orders. Hebrew, "permission." (Calmet) --- Protestants, "grant." (Haydock)

Ver. 8.

Work. Hebrew adds, "of the house." Josias had appointed the Levites overseers, 2 Paralipomenon xxiv. 12. (Calmet)

Ver. 10.

Hands; compositions, (Haydock) or ordinances. (Worthington) --- The 135th Psalm was sung, (Calmet) or the 117th. (Vatable)

Ver. 12.

Temple. This second temple, though very large (2 Machabees xiv. 13.) and magnificent, (Aggeus ii. 10,) never equalled the glory of the first, in its outward appearance, being also destitute of the ark, and perhaps of the Urim, &c. But the presence of the Messias gave it a more exalted dignity. (Calmet) --- Joy. These different emotions of grief and joy filled their breasts, (Du Hamel) thinking how they had brought on the judgments of God by their transgressions, and that he was now appeased, and would enable them to have some sort of a temple. (Tirinus) --- As it was less beautiful than that of Solomon, Aggeus must be understood to speak of the Church of Christ. (St. Augustine, de C.[City of God?] xviii. 45.) (Worthington)
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