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Verse 1-That which was from the beginning. In nature, or indeed of the Deity, which have heard, through the law and the prophets, which we have seen, as a sensible man who comes,  which we have looked upon, observing the divinity in the man, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life:

Verse 2- we have seen. We have seen and hence we are witnesses. We have seen, and announcing to the incredulous we have become martyrs.  And declare unto you. Thus we have heard, but we have not seen, yet we are no less blessed than they, for it is written, Blessed are they that have not seen and yet have believed.  Lk. 24.

In the beginning was the Word and the Word was, and so on.
a. That is from the beginning with the Father.  b. And the Word was made flesh.  c. With fellow men. d. And we beheld His glory.  e. Of course on the mountain we have gotten to know his life, his manners, and even, with our spiritual eyes, his divine virtue.   f. True body, not a ghost.  g. Giver of life in the soul and in the body.

1 That which was from the beginninga, which we have heardb, which we have seenc
with our eyesd, which we have looked upone and our handsf have handled, of the wordg of life.

a. The Bread of angels assuming to men to become known, He was famous for miracles, He rose, and He made others rise up, through this His life was manifested.  b. To be faithful.  c. In the eternal divinity.  d. In the moment to humanity.  e. He repeats.

2 For the lifea was manifested: and we have seen and do bear witness and declare unto youb the life eternalc, which was with the Father and has appearedd to use.

a In the flesh.  b. The words of His mouth.  c. As if to say you should believe it from those who had seen and heard.  d. Who have not seen.  e. Not for any temporal gain, but as for living well, believing well, patiently enduring all things.  f. It is by our fellowship that we may cross over to God's fellowship.  In order that we may be heirs of God, and joint-heirs of Christ. 

3 That which we have seena and have heardb, we declarec unto youd: thate you also may have fellowshipf with us and our fellowship may be with the Father and with his Son Jesus Christ.

a. Not just a casual report for the day, but to commit to memory.  b. In this world in the unity of the Church, and in the future in the fellowship of angels.  c. Or us.  d. As guiding many to the same fellowship.

4 And these things we writea to you, that you may rejoiceb and yourc joyd may be full.
