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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on Hosea

OSEE, or Hosea, whose name signifies A saviour, was the first in the order of time among those who are commonly called lesser prophets, because their prophecies are short. He prophesied in the kingdom of Israel, that is, of the ten tribes, about the same time that Isaias prophesied in the kingdom of Juda.
Chapter 1
[2] A wife of fornications: That is, a wife that has been given to fornication. This was to represent the Lord's proceedings with his people Israel, who, by spiritual fornication, were continually offending him.-- Ibid.

[2] Children of fornications: So called from the character of their mother, if not also from their own wicked dispositions.
[6] Without mercy: Lo-Ruhamah.

[9] Not my people: Lo-ammi.

[10] The number: Viz., of the true Israelites, the children of the church of Christ.

[11] One head: viz., Christ.-- Ibid.

[11] Great is the day of Jezrahel: That is, of the seed of God; for Jezrahel signifies the seed of God.


Chapter 2

[1] Say ye to your brethren: or, Call your brethren, My people: and your sister, Her that hath obtained mercy. This is connected with the latter end of the foregoing chapter, and relates to the converts of Israel.

[2] Your mother: The synagogue.

[14] I will allure her: After all her disloyalties, I will still allure her by my grace etc., and send her vinedressers, viz., the apostles: originally her own children, who shall open to her the gates of hope; as heretofore at her coming into the land of promise, she had all good success after she had satisfied the divine justice by the execution of Achan in the valley of Achor. Jos. 7.

[16] My husband: In Hebrew, Ishi. Baali, my lord. The meaning of this verse is: that whereas Ishi and Baali were used indifferently in those days by wives speaking to their husbands; the synagogue, whom God was pleased to consider as his spouse, should call him only Ishi, and abstain from the name of Baali, because of its affinity with the idol Baal.

[17] Baalim: It is the plural number of Baal: for there were divers idols of Baal.

[19] I will espouse thee: This relates to the happy espousals of Christ with his church: which shall never be dissolved.

[21] Hear the heavens: All shall conspire in favour of the church, which in the following verse is called Jezrahel, that is, the seed of God.

[24] That which was not my people: This relates to the conversion of the Gentiles.


Chapter 3

[4] Theraphim: Images or representations.

[5] David their king: That is, Christ, who is of the house of David.


Chapter 4

[4] Let not any man judge: As if he would say: It is in vain to strive with them, or reprove them, they are so obstinate in evil.

[15] Not into Galgal, and come not up into Bethaven: Places where idols were worshipped. Bethel, which signifies the house of God, is called by the prophet, Bethaven, that is, the house of vanity, from Jeroboam's golden calf that was worshipped there.


Chapter 5

[1] O priests: What is said of priests in this prophecy is chiefly understood of the priests of the kingdom of Israel; who were not true priests of the race of Aaron; but served the calves at Bethel and Dan.

[7] Children that are strangers: That is, aliens from God: and therefore they are threatened with speedy destruction.

[10] As they that take up the bound: That is, they that remove the boundary, encroaching on the property of their neighbours: figuratively: going beyond the boundary of the laws of God.


Chapter 6

[8] Supplanted with blood: that is, undermined and brought to ruin, for shedding of blood: and, as it is signified in the following verse, for conspiring with the priests (of Bethel) like robbers, to murder in the way such as passed out of Sichem to go towards the temple of Jerusalem. Or else supplanted with blood, signifies flowing in such manner with blood, as to suffer none to walk there without imbruing the soles of their feet in blood.


Chapter 7

[3] Made the king glad: To please Jeroboam, and their other kings they have given themselves up to the wicked worship of idols, which are mere falsehood and lies.


Chapter 10

[5] The kine of Bethaven: The golden calves of Jeroboam.

[6] Itself also is carried: One of the golden calves was given by king Manahem, to Phul, king of the Assyrians, to engage him to stand by him.

[10] Their two iniquities: Their two calves.

[14] As Salmana was destroyed, by the house: Salmana, king of the Midianites, was destroyed by the house, that is, by the followers of him that judged Baal; that is, of Gideon, who threw down the altar of Baal; and was therefore called Jerubaal. See Judges 6 and 8.


Chapter 11

[1] I called my son: Viz., Israel. But as the calling of Israel out of Egypt, was a figure of the calling of Christ from thence; therefore this text is also applicable to Christ, as we learn from Matthew 2. 15.

[2] They called: Viz., Moses and Aaron called; but they went away after other gods and would not hear.

[8] Adama: Adama and Seboim were two cities in the neighbourhood of Sodom: and underwent the like destruction.


Chapter 12

[11] If Galaad be an idol: That is, if Galaad with all its idols and sacrifices be like a mere idol itself, being brought to nothing by Theglathphalasar: how vain is it to expect, that the idols worshipped in Galgal shall be of any service to the tribes that remain.


Chapter 14

[1] Perish, because she hath stirred up her God to bitterness: It is not a curse or imprecation, but a prophecy of what should come to pass.
