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Chapter 12


Ver. 1. Thanks. Literally, "confess." The Jews thank God for their return, as the Church does for her deliverance from sin. (Worthington) --- Canticles were composed on such occasions, Exodus xv. --- Angry. They do not thank God on this account; but because he had averted his indignation. (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

Fountains. Instead of those which your fathers drank in the desert. (Calmet) --- You shall have the holy Scriptures, (Haydock) sacraments, &c., John iv. 13., and vii. 38.

Ver. 6.

Of thee. He alludes to the name Emmanuel. Christ preached, and his own would not receive him, John i. 11., and 26. (Calmet) --- He continues with us, concealed under the sacramental species [of the Eucharist]. (Menochius)
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