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Chapter 10

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Chap.  x. 1.  My soul is weary of my life.




65.  Now whensoever the present life has once begun to grow tasteless, and the love of the Creator to become sweet, the soul inflames itself against self, that it may accuse self for the sins, wherein it formerly vindicated itself, being ignorant of the things above.  Whence he yet further adds with propriety,

I will let my speech go against myself.




66.  He as it were employs his speech in behalf of himself, who tries to defend by excuses the evil things he has done.  But he ‘lets his speech go against himself,’ who begins to accuse himself of that which he has done amiss.  Now very frequently even when we commit sin, we go on to try the things we have done.  The mind of itself brings what it does to trial; but forasmuch as it does not at all forsake this in the desire, it is ashamed to acknowledge what it has done; but when it now comes down upon the indulgence of the flesh with the whole weight of its judgment, it lifts itself with a bold voice in the acknowledgment of that self-accusing.  Whence it is rightly said here, I will let my speech go against myself; in that the resolute mind begins to let loose against itself words of abhorrence, which aforetime from a feeling of shame it kept to itself through weakness.  But there be some that confess their sins in explicit words, but yet know nothing how to bewail in confessing them.  And they utter things with pleasure, that they ought to bewail.  Hence it is further added with propriety;

I will speak in the bitterness of my soul.




67.  He that tells his sins abhorring them, must needs likewise ‘speak of them in the bitterness of his soul,’ that that very bitterness may punish whatsoever the tongue accuses of in the warrant of conscience.  But we must bear in mind, that from the pains of penitence, which the mind inflicts upon itself, it derives a certain degree of security; and rises with the greater confidence to meet the inquest of the heavenly Judge, that it may make itself out more thoroughly, and ascertain how each particular is appointed towards, it.  Hence it is forthwith added;

Ver. 12.  I will say unto God, Do not condemn me; shew me wherefore Thou so judgest me.




68.  Whereas he declares himself a sinner ‘in the bitterness of his soul,’ what else does he say to God, but that he may not be condemned, in that the bitterness of his present penance does away with the pains of ensuing wrath?  Now God judgeth man in this life in two ways, seeing that either by present ills He is already beginning to bring upon him the torments to come, or else by present scourges He does away with the torments to come.  For except there were some whom the just Judge, as the due of their sins, did both now and hereafter visit, Jude would never have said, The Lord afterwards destroyed them that believed not. [Jude 5]  And the Psalmist would not say of the wicked, Let them cover themselves with their own confusion as with a lined cloak [diploide]. [Ps. 109, 29]  For we mean by ‘a lined cloak’ a double garment.  And so they are ‘clothed with confusion as with a double garment,’ who according to the due reward of their sin are at once visited with both a temporal and an everlasting judgment.  For chastisement delivers those alone from woe, whom it alters.  For those whom present evils do not amend, they conduct to those which are to ensue.  But if there were not some whom present punishment preserves from eternal woe, Paul would never have said, But when we are Judged we are chastened of the Lord, that we should not be condemned with the world. [1 Cor. 11, 32]  Hence it is spoken to John by the voice of the Angel, As many as I love I rebuke and chasten. [Rev. 3, 19]  Hence also it is written, For whom the Lord loveth He chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom He receiveth. [Heb. 12, 6]




69.  Therefore it often happens that the mind of the righteous man, in order to be made more secure, is the more penetrated with fear, and when he is beset with scourges, he is troubled with misgivings about the Judgment of the Most High.  He fears lest all that he suffers should be the forerunner of the doom to ensue, and in his heart he questions the Judge, in that under His visitation he is full of doubts about the merit of his life.  But when the goodness of his life is brought before the eyes of the mind, it is as if comfort were given in answer by the Judge, in that He never strikes to destroy him, whom by so striking He keeps in innocency of life and conduct.  Therefore it is justly said here, Shew me wherefore Thou so judgest me.  As if it were expressed in plain words, ‘Whereas Thou exercisest judgment upon me by scourging me, shew me that by these scourges Thou art making me secure against the Judgment.’  Which same however may also be understood in another sense.  For very often the righteous man receives scourges for trial, and examining his life with the keenest eye of enquiry, though he both feel and own himself to be a sinner, yet for what particular sin he is smitten he cannot at all make out, and he trembles the more under the rod, in proportion as he knows nothing the reasons of his being smitten.  He prays that the Judge would shew him to himself, that what He in striking aims at, he may himself also chastise in himself by weeping.  For he is well assured that That most just Avenger never afflicts anyone of us unjustly, and he is moved with excessive alarm, in that he is both put to pain under the lash, and cannot entirely discover in himself what there is for him to lament.  Hence it is further added;

Ver. 3.  Is it good unto Thee that Thou shouldest calumniate and oppress the poor [Vulg. me], and the work of Thine hands, and help the counsel of the wicked?




70.  This same is so said by way of interrogation, that it is denied.  As though it were in plain terms; ‘Thou That art supremely good, I know dost not hold it good to oppress the poor man by calumny.  And therefore I know that that is not unjust that I am suffering, and I am the more grieved, that cannot tell the causes of its justness.’  But observe that he does not say, That Thou shouldest oppress the innocent, but, the poor man.  For he who doth not represent his innocency, but his poorness to the severity of the Judge, does not now put on a bold front on the ground of his own life, but shews of how little strength he sees himself to be.  Where also he fitly subjoins, The work of Thine hands.  As if he said plainly, ‘Thou canst not ever unfeelingly oppress him, whom Thou rememberest Thyself to have made of Thy mere grace.’


71.  Now the words are excellently put in, And help the counsel of the wicked.  For whom does he here call wicked, save the malignant spirits, who as they cannot themselves return back to life, mercilessly look out for fellows in destruction.  Whose counsel it was that God's stroke should visit blessed Job, that he who shewed himself righteous while at peace, might at all events commit sin under the scourge.  Now the Lord did not ‘help the counsel of the wicked,’ in that whilst He gave up the flesh of the righteous man to their arts of temptation, He withheld his soul.  It is this counsel that the evil spirits incessantly persevere in against the good, that those, whom they see serving God in innocency while at rest, on being stricken by misfortune may go headlong into a whirlpool of sin.  But the sharpness of their counsel is brought to nought, in that our pitiful Creator qualifies the strokes in accordance with our powers, that the infliction may not exceed our virtue, and by the craftiness of the strong ones man's weakness be thrown out of course.  Hence it is well said by Paul, But God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able, but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.  For except the merciful God tempered His trials to correspond with our powers, there is surely no man who could sustain the cunning plots of evil spirits without being brought to the ground, in that excepting the Judge assign a measure to our temptations, by this alone He at once throws down one standing, in that He puts upon him a burthen too much for his strength.  Now blessed Job, in the way of denying, so put in a question the things which he uttered, even as in asking he denies the things which he thereupon subjoins, saying,

Ver.4-7.  Hast Thou eyes of flesh?  or shalt Thou see as man seeth?  Are Thy days as the days of man?  Are Thy years as the time of man, that Thou inquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin?  To know that I have done nothing ungodly.




72.  Eyes of flesh see not the deeds of the periods of time, save in time, in that both they themselves came out with time to see, and are closed with time, and man's sight follows any deed and does not prevent it, seeing that it but just glimpses at things existing, and sees nothing at all of things to come.  Moreover the days and years of men differ from the days and years of Eternity, in that our life, which is begun in time and ended in time, Eternity, whilst it frames it within the boundlessness of its bosom, doth swallow up.  And whereas the immensity of the same extends beyond us on this side and on that side, His ‘to be eternally’ spreads without beginning and without end: whereunto neither things gone by are past, nor things still to come, as though they did not appear, are absent; in that He, Who hath it always to be, seeth all things present to His eyes, and whereas He doth not stretch Himself by looking behind and before, He changes with no varieties of sight.  And so let him say; Hast thou eyes of flesh? or shalt Thou see as man seeth?  Are Thy days as the days of man?  Are Thy days as the days of man, that Thou inquirest after mine iniquity, and searchest after my sin?  To know that I have done nothing ungodly.  As if, humbly inquiring, he said, ‘Wherefore dost Thou search me by scourges in time, when even before time was Thou didst know me perfectly in Thine own self?  Wherefore dost Thou make inquest concerning my sins by smiting, whom by the mightiness of Thine eternity Thou didst never but know before Thou fashionedst me?’  The weight of Whose power he immediately goes on to describe, where he adds; And there is none that can deliver out of Thine hand. 




73.  As if he expressed it in plain words; ‘What is left to Thee, saving to spare, Whose power no man can resist?  For in proportion as there is none who might stay Thy visitation by the merits of his own excellence, let Thy pitifulness the more easily obtain from Thee [lit. ‘from Itself.’] to spare.’ But because being conceived in sin, and born in wickedness, we either do evil things of malice, or even in doing good things go wrong out of heedlessness, we have not wherewith the strict Judge may be rendered propitious towards us; but while we are unable to present our work as worthy of His regard, it remains that for the propitiation of His favour we offer to Him His own work.  Hence it is added;

Ver. 8.  Thine hands have made me and fashioned me,altogether round about: and dost Thou thus suddenly cast me down?




74.  As if He said to Him in humility; ‘Whereas that which I have done being submitted to a just examination is not meet for the propitiating of Thee, consider in Thy mercy lest that should perish which is Thy doing [quod fecisti].’  By which same words too the wicked doctrine of Manichaeus [some Mss. ‘of Manes.’] is destroyed, who feigning that there are two Principles, strives to maintain that the spirit was made by God, but the flesh by Satan.  For the holy man, being full of the grace of the prophetic Spirit, views events to come long afterwards, and foreseeing the shoots of divers errors, treads them underfoot, saying, Thine hands have made me and fashioned me altogether round about.  For he, who declares himself both ‘made and fashioned altogether round about’ by God, leaves to the race of darkness no part either in his spirit or in his flesh.  For he described himself as ‘moulded’ [plasmatum] in virtue of the interior image, but he spoke of being ‘fashioned together round about’ in so far as he consists of a covering of flesh.


75.  But it is to be observed, that herein that he declares himself made by the hands of God, he is setting before the Divine Mercy the dignity of his creation; for though all things were created by the Word, Which is coeternal with the Father, yet in the very account of the Creation, it is shewn how greatly man is preferred above all animals, how much even above things celestial, yet without sense.  For, He commanded, and they all were created. [Ps. 148, 5]  But when He determines to make Man, this which is to be thought of with awe is premised; Let Us make man in Our Image, after Our Likeness. [Gen. 1, 26]  Nor yet is it written concerning him as it is of the rest of things created; Let there be, and it was so. [ver. 6. 7.]  Nor as the waters the fowl, so did the earth produce Man; but before he was made it was said, Let Us make; [ver. 20] that whereas it was a creature endowed with reason that was being made, it might seem as if it were made with counsel.  As if by design he is formed out of earth, and by the inspiration of his Creator set erect in the power of a vital spirit in this way, that he who was made after the image of his Creator, might have his being not by word of command, but by the greater eminence of action.  That, then, which Man in the work of his creating received preeminently upon earth above all other creatures, this, being laid under the scourge, he represents to the pitifulness of his Artificer, saying, Thine hands have made me and fashioned me altogether round about: and dost Thou thus suddenly cast me down?  As if it were in plain words; ‘Why dost Thou despise me with such light esteem, when Thou createdst me with such circumstances of dignity?  and him whom by reason Thou settest above all other things, why dost Thou by sorrow set below them?’  Yet this preeminence, that we possess, shines bright by reason of the ‘Likeness,’ but is very far removed from the perfection of blessedness by reason of the flesh, in that whilst the spirit mixes with dust, it is in a certain measure united with weakness.  Which weakness blessed Job presents to the pitifulness of the Judge, when he subjoins;

Ver. 9.  Remember, I pray Thee, that Thou hast made me as the clay.




76.  The spirits of the Angels did for this reason sin without forgiveness, because they might have stood the stronger in proportion as no mixture with flesh held them in bonds.  But man for this reason obtained pardon after sin, that in a body of flesh he got that wherein he should be beneath himself.  And hence in the eye of the Judge this frailty of the flesh alone is a ground for shewing pity; as where it is said by the Psalmist, But He is full of compassion, and will forgive their iniquity, and not destroy them; yea, many a time turned He His anger away from them, and did not stir up all His wrath, and remembered that they were but flesh. [Ps. 78, 38. 39.]  And so man was ‘made as the clay’ in that he was taken out of clay, for the making of him.  For clay is made, when water is sprinkled [se conspergit] in with earth.  Therefore man is made as clay, in that it is as if water moistened dust, while the soul waters the flesh.  Which name the holy man excellently represents to the pitifulness of the Judge, when he beseeches saying, Remember, I pray Thee, that Thou hast made me as the clay.  As if he said in plain words; ‘Consider the frailty of the flesh, and remit the guilt of my sin.’  Where moreover the death of that flesh is openly added, in that the words are immediately brought in;

And wilt Thou bring me unto dust again?




77.  As if he begged openly, saving, ‘Remember, I pray Thee, that by the flesh I came from earth, and by the death thereof, I tend to earth, Thus regard the substance of my origin, and the penalty of my end, and be the readier to spare the sin of a transient being;’ but as he has given out the sort and kind of man as created, he now subjoins the order of man as propagated, saying,

Ver. 10, 11.  Hast Thou not poured me out like milk, and curdled me like cheese?  Thou hast clothed me with skin, and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.




78.  For man when fashioned was moulded like clay, but being propagated he is ‘poured out like milk’ in the seed, and is ‘curdled like cheese’ in the flesh, and he is ‘clothed with skin and flesh,’ and is rendered firm by bones and sinews.  Therefore by clay we have set forth to us the character of the first creating, but by milk the order of the subsequent conception, in that by the stages of curdling, it goes on little by little to be wrought strong into bones.  But the account of the body as it was created is but slender praise of God, unless at the same time there be afterwards set forth the marvellous inspiration of its quickening.  Hence it is added,

Thou hast granted me life and mercy.




79.  But the Creator vouchsafes to us blessings in vain, except He Himself keep safe all whatsoever He giveth.  It follows, And Thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.  Now all this that we have spoken of the exterior man, in what sense it may accord with the interior man, it is well to unfold and exhibit in few words,

Remember, I beseech Thee, that Thou hast made me as the clay.




80.  For our interior man proves like clay, in that the grace of the Holy Spirit is, infused into the earthly mind, that it may be lifted up to the understanding of its Creator.  For the thinking faculty in man, which is dried up by the barrenness of its sin, through the power of the Holy Spirit grows green, like land when it is watered.  Now it very often happens that whilst we use without let or hindrance the endowments of virtue by gift from above, by being used to such uninterrupted prosperity we are lifted up to self-confidence.  Whence it very often happens that the same Holy Spirit, Which had exalted us, leaves us for a time, in order to shew mere man to himself.  And this is what the holy man immediately sets forth, when he adds, And wilt Thou, bring me into dust again?  For as by the withdrawal of the Spirit the soul is left for a space under temptation, it is as if the ground were dried of its former moisture; that by being so forsaken it may be made sensible of its weakness, and learn how man was dried up without the infusion of heavenly grace.  And he is fitly described as being ‘brought into dust again,’ in that when he is left to himself he is caught up by the breath of every temptation.  But whereas on being left we are exposed to shocks, those gifts which we knew when we were inspired, we now think of more nicely.  Whence he adds, Hast Thou not poured me out like milk, and curdled me like cheese?  For when by the grace of the Holy Spirit our mind is withdrawn from the way of its former conversation, it is as if ‘milk poured out,’ in that it is formed in the sort of tenderness and delicacy of a new beginning.  And it is ‘curdled like cheese,’ in that it is bound up in the consistency of consolidating thought, never from henceforth to let itself go loose in desires, but concentrating itself in a single affection, to rise up into a substantial remoulding.  But it very often happens that the flesh, from old habit, murmurs against this spiritual embryo, and the soul meets with war from the man which it bears about without it.  And hence he adds, Thou hast clothed me with skin and flesh.  For the interior man is ‘clothed with skin and flesh,’ since wherein it is raised up to things above, it is straitly blockaded with the besieging of fleshly motions.  Now one that is going on to righteousness our Creator never forsakes under temptation, Who by the inspiration of His Grace preventeth even him that is sinning; but the soul that is lifted up He both lets loose to wars without, and endues with strength within.  And hence it is yet further fitly subjoined, And hast fenced me with bones and sinews.  With ‘flesh and skin we are clothed,’ but we are ‘fenced with bones and sinews,’ in that though we receive a shock by temptation assaulting us from without, yet the hand of the Creator strengthens us within, that we should not be shattered.  And so by the promptings of the flesh, He abases us in respect of His gifts, but by the bones of virtue He strengthens us against temptations.  Therefore he says, Thou, hast clothed me with skin and flesh, and hast fenced me with bones and sinews.  As if it were in plain words, ‘Without Thou dost abandon me to undergo trial, yet within, that I may not perish, Thou keepest me by bracing me with virtue.’ And for this reason He gives us righteousness to live as we ought, because in His loving-kindness He spares the past misdeeds whereby we have done amiss.  And hence it is further added with propriety,

Thou hast granted me life and mercy.


81.  For ‘life’ is granted, when goodness is inspired into evil minds, but ‘life’ cannot be had without ‘mercy,’ in that the Lord does not aid us to obtain the endowments of righteousness, unless He first in mercy remit our past iniquities.  Or surely, He ‘grants us life and mercy,’ in that by the same mercy, with which He prevents us that we may lead a good life, continuing on afterwards He keep us safe.  For except He add mercy, the life which He vouchsafes cannot be preserved; since we are daily growing old by the mere customariness of our human life, and by the impulse of the outward man we are carried out of interior life by loose thought; so that unless heavenly visiting either by piercing our hearts quicken us in love, or by scourging us renew us in fear, the soul is wholly and entirely ruined by a sudden downfall, when it seemed to be made new by a long course of devotion to virtue.  Hence he subjoins, And Thy visitation hath preserved my spirit.  For the visitation of the Most High preserves man's spirit, when, it being richly endowed with graces, He does not cease either to scourge it with the rod, or to pierce it with love.  For if He bestows gifts, but does not raise it up by continually restoring it, the blessing is speedily lost, which is not preserved by the Giver.  But mark how the holy man, whilst he views himself in a humble light, discovers the secrets of Divine mercy destined to be universally bestowed, and whilst he truly confesses his own weakness, he is suddenly transported on high to learn the calling of the Gentiles.  For he forthwith adds,

Ver. 13.  Though Thou hide these things in Thine heart; yet I know that Thou rememberest all.






82.  As if it were in plain words; ‘Why do I tremble for myself, who know that Thou dost gather in one even all nations?  Which nevertheless Thou ‘hidest in Thine heart,’ in that Thou dost not yet make it known by open revelation, but Thou That ‘rememberest all,’ givest me, doubtless, assurance of pardon.’  But it is to be borne in mind, that in certain deeds we are both made certain of pardon, and after the commission of the sins are strengthened to have confidence of our absolution by subsequent chastisement and penance, yet we are still touched with the remembrance of the wickedness we have committed, and, unwilling and abhorring it, are preyed upon by unlawful thoughts.  And hence it is fitly subjoined,

Ver. 14.  If I have sinned, and Thou sparedst me at the hour, wherefore dost Thou not let me be clean from mine iniquity?




83.  The Lord ‘spareth sin at the hour,’ when the moment that we yield tears, He does away with the guilt of sin.  But He doth not ‘let us be clean from our iniquity,’ in that of free will indeed we committed the sin, but sometimes against our will we undergo the remembrance of it with a sense of pleasure; for often that, which has been put away from the sight of the just Judge by tears intervening, recurs to mind, and the conquered habit strives to insinuate itself again for the entertaining of delight, and is renewed again in the former contest with revived assault, that what it once did in the body, it may afterwards go through in the mind by intruding thought; which same that spiritual wrestler knew how to regard with heedful eye, who said, My scars [V. cicatrices] stink, and are corrupt through my foolishness.  For what are ‘scars’ but the healings of wounds?  And so he who lamented his scars, beheld his pardoned wickednesses return to his remembrance for the entertaining of delight.  Since for scars to grow corrupt is for wounds of sins, already healed, again to insinuate themselves in the tempting of us, and at their suggestions, after the skin of penitence has grown over; to be sensible of the stench and pain of sin again.  Wherein there is at once both nothing done outwardly in deed, and sin is committed within in the thought alone, and the soul is laid under a close bond of guilt except it do away with it by heedful lamentation.




84.  Whence it is well said by Moses, If there be among you any man that is not clean by reason of a dream that chanceth him by night, then shall he go abroad without the camp, he shall not come within the camp: but it shall be when evening cometh on he shall wash himself with water: and when the sun is down he shall come into the camp again. [Deut. 23, 10. 11.]  For ‘the dream that chanceth by night’ is the secret tempting, whereby there is something foul conceived in the heart in dark thought, which nevertheless is not fulfilled in the deed of the body.  Now, if there be any that is ‘not clean by reason of a dream that chanceth him by night,’ he is bidden to go abroad without the camp, in that it is meet that he that is defiled with impure thought, should look upon himself as unworthy the society of the faithful, that he should set before his eyes the deserts of his sin, and look down upon himself in the scale of good men.  And so for ‘one unclean to go abroad out of the camp’ is for one hard bestead by the assaults of impurity, to look down upon himself by comparison with men of continency.  And ‘when evening cometh on he washes himself with water,’ in that seeing his offence he has recourse to tears of penitence, that by weeping he may wash out every thing that hidden defilement brings home to the soul’s charge.  ‘And when the sun is down he shall come into the camp again,’ in that when the heat of temptation has subsided, it follows that he should again take confidence to join the company of the good.  For after washing with water, when the sun is set, he returns to the camp, who after tears of penance, when the flame of unlawful thought is quenched, is restored to assume the claims of the faithful, that he should not any longer account himself far removed from others, who rejoices that he is clean by the departure of the inward burning. 


But herein be it known that it is for this reason that we are sometimes driven to straits by the impulse of unlawful thought, because we are ready to employ ourselves in certain courses of earthly conduct, though not unlawful.  And when even in the very least things we come in contact with earthly conduct in desire, the might of our old enemy gaining strength against us, our mind is defiled by no little urgency of temptation.  And hence the Priest of the Law is enjoined to consume with fire the limbs of the victim cut into pieces, the head, and the parts about the liver; but the inwards and the legs he is to wash with water first. [Lev. 1, 5. 12.]  For we offer our own selves a sacrifice to God, when we dedicate our lives to the service of God, and we set the members of the sacrifice cut into pieces upon the fire, when we offer up the deeds of our lives dividing them in the virtues.  The head and the parts contained about the liver we burn, when in our faculty of sense, whereby all the body is governed, and in our hidden desire we are kindled with the flame of divine love.  And yet it is bidden, that the feet and the inwards of the victim be washed with water.  For with the feet the earth is touched, and in the inwards dung is carried, in that it very often happens that already in the desire of our hearts we burn for eternity, already with an entire feeling of devotion we pant in longing desire for the mortification of ourselves; but whereas by reason of our frailty there is still a mixture of earth in what we do, even some of the things forbidden which we have already subdued, we are subject to in thought, and while unclean temptation defiles our thoughts, what else is this than that ‘the inwards’ of the victim carry dung?  But that they may be fit to be burnt, let them be washed, in that it is necessary that tears of fear wash out the impure thoughts of the heart, for [o] love from on high to consume them in acceptance of the sacrifice, and whatever the mind is subject to, proceeding either from untried conflict, or from the remembrance of former practice, let it be washed, that it may burn with so much the sweeter odour in the sight of its Beholder, in proportion as when it begins to draw near to Him, it sets upon the altar of its prayer along with itself nought earthly, nought impure.  Therefore let the holy man regard the wretchedness of the human mind, how often it defiles itself with unhallowed thoughts, and after the Judge's remission of the guilt of our doings, even whilst he bewails his own case, let him shew to us ours, for ourselves to bewail, saying, If I have sinned, and thou sparedst me at the hour, wherefore dost thou not let me be clean from mine iniquity?  As if he said in plain words; ‘If Thy forgiveness has taken away my sin, why does it not sweep it from my memory also?’  Oftentimes the mind is so shaken from its centre at the recollection of sin, that it is prompted to the commission thereof far worse than it had been before subjected to it, and when entangled it is filled with fears, and being driven with different impulses, throws itself into disorder.  It dreads lest it should be overcome by temptations, and in resisting, it shudders at this very fact, that it is harassed with the long toils of conflict.  Hence it is fitly subjoined,

Ver. 15.  If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my head: I am full of affliction and misery.




85.  Yea, the wicked man has ‘woe,’ and the righteous man ‘affliction,’ in that both everlasting damnation follows the lost sinner, and each one of the Elect is purified by the pains of temporary affliction.  The wicked man lifts up his head, yet when so lifted up he cannot escape the woe that pursues him.  The righteous man, faring ill with the toils of his conflict, is not suffered to lift up his head, but while hard pressed, he is freed from everlasting affliction.  The one sets himself up in pleasure, but is plunging himself into the punishment that succeeds.  The others sinks himself to the earth in sorrow, yet hides himself from the weight of eternal visitation.  Thus let the holy man consider how man either in striving against evil, is afflicted with present trouble, or giving up the contest, he is delivered over to eternal anguish, and let him say, If I be wicked, woe unto me; and if I be righteous, yet will I not lift up my head: I am full of affliction and misery; as if he lamented openly, saying, ‘Either bowed down under the desires of the flesh, I am exposed to eternal punishment, or if I fight against unlawful impulses, I am tormented with present woe, seeing that I am not quit of the toils of the fight.’  But the Providence of the Most High does for this reason suffer us who serve Him with all the bent of the mind, to be buffeted by the assaults of our flesh, lest our mind, by presuming on its own security, dare to lift itself up in pride, that whereas, when a shock comes it is filled with fears, it may set the foot of hope the stronger, in the aid of its Maker alone.  Hence it is further added fitly,

Ver. 16.  And by reason of pride, Thou wilt take me like a lioness.




86.  When a lioness hunts for food for her whelps, she rushes with ravening jaws into the pitfall.  For as the account goes from certain countries, they make a pit in her path, and deposit a sheep in it, that the lioness in her ravening appetite may be provoked to precipitate herself into it, and they make it both narrow and deep at the same time, that she may have room to tumble into it in circling round it, but never get out by taking a leap.  There is another pit too dug, which is to be close to the former, but which is joined to the one in which the sheep is, by the opening of the part at the bottom.  And in this is put a cage, that the lioness tumbling in, forasmuch as she is pressed by terrors from above, when she goes about as it were to hide herself in the more secret part of the pit, may of her own will go into the cage; her savage temper being now no longer an object of fear, seeing that she is lifted up enclosed in the cage.  For the beast that threw itself of its own accord into the pit is brought back to the regions above hedged round with bars.  Thus, thus is it that the mind of man is taken, which being created in the liberty of free will, whilst it craved to feed the desires of the flesh, was like a lioness seeking food for her cubs, and fell into the pit of self-deception, in that at the suggestion of the enemy it stretched forth the hand to take the forbidden food, but it quickly found a cage in the pit, in that coming by its own act to death, it exposed itself at once to the prison house of its own corruption, and is brought back to the free air by grace intervening.  But whereas it tries to do many things, and has no power, it is bound by the hindrances of that same corruption, as though by the bars of a cage.  It is now free of that pit of damnation into which it had fallen, in that receiving help from the hand of Redemption, in being brought back to pardon, it has got above the punishment of the death to follow.  But yet, being shut in close, it feels the cage, in that it is encircled by the bands of heavenly discipline, that it may not roam through the desires of the flesh.  And she that of her own will went down into the pit; returns to the free air in confinement, in that she both fell into sin by the liberty of the will, and yet the grace of the Creator holds her in by constraint, and against her will, from following her own motions.  And so after the pit she has the cage to bear, in that being rescued from eternal punishment, she is withheld from the motions of a froward liberty, under the controlling hand of the heavenly Artificer.  Therefore he says aright, And by reason of pride, Thou wilt take me like a lioness; in that both when free, man brought death upon himself through food, and on being brought back to pardon, he lives shut up under discipline for his greater good.  Therefore like a lioness he was taken by reason of pride, in that the discipline, that belongs to his corrupt condition, now keeps him down from the very same cause, that not fearing the transgression of the commandment he boldly leapt into the pit.


87.  But if for a short space we turn aside the eye of our mind from the sin of our first parent, we find that we ourselves are every day taken like the lioness, by the evil habit of pride.  For it often happens that by the virtues that have been vouchsafed him, man is lifted up into the boldness of self-presumption, but by a wonderful ordering of Providence, some object is set before his eyes for him to fall therein.  And whilst he seeks something in sin, what else is this but that he longs for the prey in the pit?  With open mouth he falls by his own act, but has no power to rise by his own strength.  And whereas he sees that of himself he is nothing, assuredly he learns Whose aid he must seek.  Yet the heavenly Compassion draws him, thus taken out of the pit, as it were, in that as soon as his weakness is known, It restores him to pardon.  And so like a lioness, by reason of pride that man hastes back to the upper regions within the cage [p], who when he is lifted up in the score of virtuous attainments, after he has fallen into evil desires, is bound fast in humility.  For whereas he had in the first case brought himself to destruction by his presuming on self, it is brought to pass by wonderful pitifulness, that he now lives walled in by the knowledge of his own weakness.  And because the holy man sees that this often happens to his fellow creatures, he adopts in his own person the cry of peril that belongs to us, that when we read of his lamentations, we may be instructed what the things are in ourselves that we ought to lament.  Now when pride uplifts the mind, the piercing sense of love for the Highest departs from us, but when grace from above descends upon us, immediately it prompts us to longings for itself in tears.  And hence it is fitly subjoined,

And returning, Thou dost torture me marvellously.




88.  When we are forsaken by our Creator, we do not at all feel even the very ills of our abandonment.  For in proportion as our Creator goes far off from us, our mind becomes more hardened in insensibility, loves nothing that is of God, entertains no longing for things above, and because it has no warmth of interior love, it lies frozen towards the earth, and in a pitiable way it becomes every day the more self-secure, in proportion as it becomes worse; and whereas it no longer remembers whence it has fallen, and no longer dreads the punishments to come, it knows nothing how deeply it is to be bewailed.  But if it be touched by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, at once it wakes up to the thought of its ruin, rouses itself in the pursuit after heavenly things, glows with the hot emotions of love towards the Highest, takes thought of the ills which every way beset it round about, and she weeps while making progress, who before was going to ruin in high glee.  Therefore it is well said to the Creator, And returning Thou dost torture me marvelously.  For by the same act whereby Almighty God in visiting our soul lifts it to the love of Himself, He makes it the more to sorrow in tears.  As if it were in plain words, ‘In going from me Thou dost not influence me, because Thou renderest me insensible, but when Thou returnest, Thou dost torture me, because whilst Thou dost cause Thyself to enter into me, Thou shewest to me mine own self, and how deeply I am to be pitied.’  And hence he never says that he is tortured judicially, but ‘marvellously,’ since while the mind is transported on high in weeping, with a feeling of joy it marvels at the pains of its piercing sorrow, and it is its joy to be so touched, because it sees that by its anguish it is lifted up on high.  But often when heavenly Pity sees us slacken in the exercising ourselves in holy desires, It presents to our view the example of those that cleave to Itself, that the mind which is unbraced by indolence, in proportion as it observes in the case of others the advancement of minds well awake, may take shame for the dulness of sloth in itself.  Hence it is rightly added,

Ver. 17.  Thou renewest Thy witnesses against me, and multipliest Thy wrath: and pains war in me.






89.  For ‘God's witnesses’ are they, who bear witness by the practice of holy works, what are the rewards of Truth that shall overtake the Elect.  Hence too those, whom we see to have suffered for the sake of the Truth, we style in the Greek tongue, ‘Martyrs,’ i.e. witnesses.  And the Lord says by John in the Angel’s voice, Even in those days, wherein Antipas was my faithful witness, who was slain among you.  Now the Lord ‘renews His witnesses against us’ when He multiplies the lives of the Elect to confront our wickedness, for the purpose of convicting and of instructing us.  And so His ‘witnesses are renewed against us,’ in that all things that they do are opposed to the ends and aims of our wickedness.  Hence too the word of Truth is called ‘an adversary,’ where it is said by the voice of the Mediator in the Gospel, Agree with thine adversary quickly, whiles thou art in the way with him. [Matt. 5, 25]  And the sons of perdition in their persecutions say concerning that same Redeemer, And He is clean contrary to our doings; and soon afterwards, For His life is not like other men’s. [Wisd. 2, 12. 15]  Thus the Lord ‘renews His witnesses against us,’ in that the good things which we neglect to do ourselves, He shews us to be done by others to our upbraiding, that we who are not inflamed by precepts, may at least be stirred up by examples, and that in longing after righteousness, our mind may account nothing to be difficult to itself, that it sees to be done perfectly by others; and it is very commonly brought to pass, that while we behold the good actions of another man's life, we are more anxiously afraid of the deficiencies of our own, and it is made appear the plainer by what a weight of judgment we are afterwards assailed, in proportion as we are now widely at variance with the ways of the good.


90.  Hence after the renewal of the witnesses has been mentioned it is thereupon fitly added, And multipliest Thy wrath upon me.  God's wrath is said to be ‘multiplied upon us,’ in proportion as it is shewn to be manifold, since by the very lives and labours of the good we are instructed, if, whilst we have time, we will not amend our ways now, what a terrible visitation shall be dealt us hereafter.  For we see the Elect of God at one and the same time leading godly lives and undergoing numberless sore hardships.  And therefore we collect from hence with what rigour the strict Judge will There smite those whom He condemns, if he so torments here below those whom He loves; as Peter witnesses, who says, For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God, and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the Gospel of God? [1 Peter 4, 17]  Therefore Almighty God, when He ‘renews His witnesses’ against us, ‘multiplies His wrath,’ in that in proportion as He sets before our eyes the life of the good, He shews with what severity He will smite obduracy in the commission of sin at the Judgment.  Now whereas He multiplies His gifts to those alone that follow Him, He shews that He has already forsaken those that go on in sloth.  Thus when we see good things in others, it is very necessary to mix exultation with the dread that we feel, and dread with our exultation, that both charity may rejoice for the proficiencies of other men, and conscience tremble for its own frailties.  But when we are gladdened with the proficiency of a brother, when we calculate the severity of the interior Judge against us for our mere slothfulness by itself, what is there left but that the mind turn back to search into itself, and that whatever it meets with in itself, that is blameworthy, whatever that is bad, it should chastise?  Hence it is fitly subjoined, Pains fight in me.  For upon considering the witnesses of God, ‘pains fight in us,’ in that whilst we behold their deeds, that command our admiration, our own life, which by comparison with theirs is displeasing in our eyes, we visit with serious self-chastening, that whatever pollution our deeds may have caused in us, our tears may wash clean, and if the guilt of taking pleasure therein still somewhat defiles us, the chastening of a sorrowful heart may cleanse away the stain.  Therefore because blessed Job has his eye fixed on the life of the fathers of old time, he ascertains more exactly what he ought to bewail in himself.  And by the preceptorship of extraordinary sorrow, whilst he bewails his own case, he instructs us to lamentation, that in proportion as we perceive excellencies in other men, we may anxiously fear for our own offences in the sight of the strict Judge.  It goes on,

Ver. 19.  Wherefore then hast Thou brought me forth out of the womb.  Oh that I had been consumed, and no eye had seen me.




91.  Which same sentiment he had already uttered in his first speech, saying, Why died I not from the womb? [Job 3, 11] and whilst he subjoins that which he adds here, I should have been as though I had not been, I should have been carried from the womb to the grave; he adds in other words, but no other sense, saying, Or as a hidden untimely birth I had not been, as infants which never saw light. [Book IV, §48 &c.]  But forasmuch as we have made out these particulars very much at length above, to avoid wearying the reader we forbear to unfold points already explained.  It goes on,

Ver. 20.  Will not the small number of my days be finished in a short time?




92.  He shews himself to live with good heed and circumspection, who, in considering the shortness of the present life does not look to the furtherance but to the ending of it, so as to gather from the end, that all is nought that delights while it is passing.  For hence it is said by Solomon, But if a man live many years and rejoice in them all, yet let him remember the time of darkness, and the days that shall be many; and when they come, the past shall be convinced of vanity. [Eccles. 11, 8]  Hence again it is written, Whatsoever thou takest in hand, remember thine end, and thou shalt never do amiss. [Ecclus. 7, 36]  Therefore when sin tempts the mind, it is requisite that the soul should regard the shortness of its gratification, lest iniquity hurry it on to a living death, when it is plain that a mortal life is quickly speeding to an end.  But often the eye of our contemplation is bewildered, while our pain is heightened by thickening scourges.  It is good to bewail the exile of the present life, yet for mere anguish alone the mind cannot take account of the ills of its blind state.  Hence he directly adds,

And let me go, that I may bewail my sorrow a little.




93.  For as moderate distress gives vent to tears, so excessive sorrow checks them, since that grief itself is as it were made void of grief, which by swallowing up the mind of the person afflicted, takes away the sense of grief.  Therefore the holy man shrinks from being stricken more than he is equal to bear, saying, And let me go, that I may bewail my sorrow a little.  As if it were in plain words, ‘Qualify the strokes of Thy scourging, that, my pains being made moderate, in weeping I may have power to estimate the miseries I endure.’ Which same nevertheless may likewise be understood in another sense.  For oftentimes the sinner is so bound by the chains of his wickedness, that he bears indeed the burthen of his sins, and knows not that he is bearing it.  Often if he does know with what an amount of guilt he is burthened, he strives to break loose and cannot, so as to hunt it down in himself with free spirit and full conversion.  Thus he is unable to ‘bewail his sorrow,’ for at once he sees the guilt of his sinful state, and by reason of the weight of earthly business, is not at liberty to bewail it.  He is unable to ‘bewail his sorrow,’ who strives indeed to resist evil habits, yet is weighed down by the still increasing desires of the flesh.  The presence of this sorrow had inflicted anguish upon the spirit of the Prophet, when he said, My sorrow is continually before me; for I will declare my iniquity, I will be sorry for my sin; [Ps. 38, 17. 18.] but the bands of his sin being loosed, he knew that he was ‘let go,’ who gave vent to his exultation, saying, Thou hast loosed my bonds, I will offer to Thee the sacrifice of thanksgiving. [Ps. 116, 16. 17.]


94.  Therefore God then ‘lets us go’ to bewail our sorrow, when He both shews us the evil things that we have done, and helps us to bewail the same, when we know them; He sets our transgressions before our eyes, and with the pitying hand of grace unlooses the bands of the heart, that our soul may lift itself up to liberty for the work of repentance, and loosed from the fetters of the flesh, may with free spirit stretch out towards its Maker the footsteps of love.  For it very commonly happens that we the same persons blame our course of life, and yet readily do the very thing that we justly condemn in ourselves.  The spirit lifts us up to righteousness, the flesh holds us back to habit; the soul struggles against self-love, but quickly overcome with delight is made captive.  Thus it is well said, Let me go that I may bewail my sorrow a little.  For except we be ‘let go’ in mercy from the guilt of sin, with which we are tied and bound, we cannot lament that which we grieve for in ourselves being set against ourselves.  But the woe of our guiltiness is then really bewailed, when that dark retribution of the place below is fore-reckoned with lively apprehension.  Hence it is fitly added,

Ver. 21.  Before I go whence I shall not return, even to a land of darkness, and covered with the shadow of death.




95.  For what is denoted by ‘the land of darkness’ saving the dreary caverns of Tartarus, which are covered by the shadow of eternal death, in that it keeps all the damned for evermore severed from the light of life.  Neither is the place below improperly called a land.  For all they that have been made captive by it, are held fast and firm.  As it is written; One generation passeth away, and another generation cometh, but the earth abideth for ever. [Eccl. 1, 4]  Thus the dungeons of hell are rightly designated ‘a land of darkness,’ for all, whom they receive doomed to punishment, they torment with no transient infliction or phantasm of the imagination, but keep in the substantial vengeance of everlasting damnation.  Yet they are sometimes denoted by the title of ‘a lake,’ as the Prophet bears witness, when he says, They have borne their shame with them that go down into the lake. [Ezek. 32, 24. 25]  Thus hell is both called ‘a land,’ because it holds stedfastly all that it takes in, and ‘a lake,’ because it swallows up those whom it has once received, ever tossing and quaking in weltering floods of torment; but the holy man, whether in his own voice or in the voice of mankind, beseeches that he may be ‘let go’ before he departs, not because he that bewails his sin is to ‘go to the land of darkness,’ but because everyone that neglects to bewail it doth assuredly go thither, according as the creditor says to his debtor, ‘Pay thy debt, before thou art put in bonds for the debt;’ whereas he is not put in bonds, if he delays not to pay all that he owes.  In which place too it is rightly added, Whence I shall not return, in that His pity in sparing never any more sets them free, whom His justice in judging once assigns their doom in the places of punishment, which same places are yet more minutely described, where it is said,

Ver. 22.  A land of misery and darkness.




96.  ‘Misery’ has relation to pain, ‘darkness’ relates to blindness.  That land then which holds all those that are banished the presence of the strict Judge, is entitled ‘a land of misery and darkness,’ for pain without torments those, whom blindness darkens within, severed from the true Light.  Not but that ‘the land of misery and darkness’ may be understood in another sense also.  For this land too, in which we are born, is indeed ‘a land of misery,’ but not ‘of darkness,’ in that we here suffer the many ills of our corrupt condition, yet whilst we are in it, we are still brought back to the light through the grace of conversion; as Truth counsels us, Who saith, Walk while ye have the light, lest darkness come upon you. [John 12, 35]  But that land is ‘a land of misery and darkness’ together, for everyone, that has gone down to suffer the woes thereof, never any further returns to the light; for the describing of which same it is further added,

Where is the shadow of death, without any order.




97.  As external death divides the flesh from the soul, so internal death severs the soul from God.  Thus the ‘shadow of death’ is the darkness of separation, in that every one of the damned, whilst he is consumed with everlasting fire, is in darkness to the internal light.  Now it is the nature of fire to give out both light and a property of consuming from itself, but the fire that is the avenger of past sins has a consuming property but no light.  It is hence that ‘Truth’ saith to the lost, Depart from Me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. [Mat. 25, 41]  And representing in one individual the whole body of them all, He saith, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness. [Mat. 22, 1]  Accordingly, if the fire that torments the lost could have had light, he that is cast off would never be said to ‘be cast into darkness.’ Hence too the Psalmist hath it; Fire hath fallen upon them, and they have not seen the sun. [Ps. 58, 8. Vulg.]  For ‘fire falls’ upon the ungodly, but ‘the sun is not seen’ on the fire falling; for as the flame of hell devours them, it blinds them to the vision of the true Light, that at the same time both the pain of consuming fire should torment them without, and the infliction of blindness darken them within, so that they, who have done wrong against their Maker both in body and in heart, may at one and the same time be punished in body and in heart, and that they may be made to feel pangs in both ways, who, whilst they lived here, ministered to their depraved gratifications in both.  Whence it is well said by the Prophet, Which are gone down to hell with their weapons of war. [Ezek. 32, 37]  For the arms of sinners are the members of the body, by means of which they execute the wrong desires they conceive.  Hence it is said rightly by Paul, Neither yield ye your members as instruments if unrighteousness unto sin. [Rom. 6, 19]  And so to ‘go down into hell with the weapons of war’ is together with those same members, with which they fulfilled the gratifications of self-indulgence, to undergo the torrents of eternal condemnation, that at that time woe may every way swallow them up, who being now subjected to their gratifications, every way fight against His justice, Who judgeth justly.


98.  But that is very wonderful that is said, without order, since Almighty God, Who punishes evil things well, never permits even the torments to be ‘without order;’ because [read ‘quia’] the very punishments that proceed from the scales of justice, cannot in any way be inflicted ‘without order.’ For how is it that there is no order in His punishment, since according to the measure of his guilt is likewise the recompense of vengeance which pursues everyone of the damned.  For hence it is written, But mighty men, shall be mightily tormented, and stronger torment shall come upon the stronger ones. [Wisd. 6, 6. 8.]  Hence it is uttered in the sentence of Babylon, How much she hath glorified herself, and lived deliciously, so much torment and sorrow give her. [Rev. 18, 7]  If then the infliction is marked out according to the measure of the sin, it is undeniably true that there is order preserved in the punishments, and except the acts of desert did distribute His aggregate of torment, the Judge that shall come would never declare that He will say to the reapers, Gather ye together first the tares, and bind them in bundles to burn them. [Mat. 13, 30]  For if there were no order observed in dealing punishment, why are the tares that are to be burnt bound in bundles?  But doubtless to bind up the bundles for the burning, is to unite like to like of those that are destined to be given over to everlasting fire, that all whom a like sin pollutes, an equal punishment may bind in one, and that they who were defiled by iniquity in no degree dissimilar, may suffer by torments not dissimilar either, that condemnation may dash to the earth together those whom pride uplifted together, and that all, whom ambition made to swell in no unlike proportion, no unlike proportion of suffering may wring hard, and a like flame of punishment torment those whom a like flame of sin kindled in the fire of lust.  For as in the house of our Father there are ‘many mansions’ [John 14, 2] according to the diversities in virtue, so a difference in guilt subjects the damned to a difference of punishment in the fires of hell, which hell, though it be one and the same for all, by no means burns all men in one and the same sort.  For as we are all reached by one sun, yet we do not all glow beneath it in one class; for it is according to the kind of the body that the burthen of the heat too is felt, in the same way there is to the damned, but one hell that torments all, yet not one that consumes all men in one kind of manner, for what on the one side an unequal degree of healthiness in bodies occasions, that same on the other an unequal case of merit produces.  How then is it said that there is ‘no order’ in the punishments, wherein without doubt every man is tormented after the measure of his sin?


99.  But after the holy man brought in the shadow of death he adds what great disorder there is in the souls of the damned, since the very punishments, which come well ordered by justice, are doubtless far from well ordered in the heart of those undergoing death.  For as we have said above, whilst every one of the damned is consumed with flames without, he is devoured by the fire of blindness within, and being in the midst of woe, he is confounded both within and without; so that he is worse tormented by his own confusion.  Thus to rejected souls there will be ‘no order’ in their punishment, because their very confusion of mind torments most cruelly in their death; which same His equity in judging appoints by His wonderful power, that a punishment as it were ‘without order’ may confound the soul.  Or, verily, order is said to be wanting to His punishments, in that when things arise for their punishment, their proper character is not preserved to them.  Whence the words are forthwith introduced;

And everlasting horror dwells.




100.  In the torments of this life fear has pain, pain has no fear, in that pain never torments the mind, when it has already begun to suffer what it feared.  But hell both ‘the shadow of death’ darkens and ‘everlasting horror inhabits;’ in that they all, that are given over to its fires, both in their punishments undergo pain, and, in the pressure of pain coming upon them, they are ever stricken with fear, so that they both suffer what they dread, and unceasingly dread What they are suffering.  For it is written concerning them, For their worm shall not die, neither their fire be quenched. [Is. 66, 24]  Here the flame that burns gives light; There, as we have shewn by the words of the Psalmist, the fire that torments veils the light.  Here fear is gone so soon as the thing that was feared has begun to be suffered; There pain rends at the same time that fear pinches.  Thus in a horrible manner there will then be to the damned pain along with terror, a flame together with dimness.  Then, then, alas! the weight of heavenly equity must be felt by the damned, that they who whilst they lived were not afraid to be at variance with the Will of the Creator, may one day in their destruction find their very torments at variance with their own properties, that in proportion as they are at strife with themselves, their torments may be increased, and as they issue in diverse lines may be felt in many ways.  And these punishments doth torture those that are plunged therein beyond their powers, and at the same time preserve them alive, extinguishing in them the forces of life, that the end may so afflict the life, that torment may ever live without end, in that it is both hastening after an end through torments, and failing holds on without end.  Therefore there is done upon the wretches death without death, an end without ending, failing without failing; in that both death lives, and the end is ever beginning, and the failing is unable to fail.  Therefore whereas death at the same time slays and does not extinguish, pain torments but does not banish fear, the flame burns but does not dispel the darkness, for all that is gathered from a knowledge of the present life, the punishments are without order, in that they do not retain their own character through all particulars.


101.  Though there the fire both gives no light for comfort, yet, that it may torment the more, it does give light for a purpose.  For the damned shall see, by the flame lighting them, all their followers along with themselves in torment, for the love of whom they transgressed, that whereas they had loved the life of such in a carnal manner against the precepts of the Creator, the destruction of those very persons may also afflict them for the increase of their condemnation.  Which doubtless we gather from the testimony of the Gospel, wherein, as ‘Truth’ declares, that rich man, whose lot it was to descend into the torments of eternal fire, is described as remembering his five brethren, in that he asked of Abraham that he would send to them for their instruction, lest a like punishment should torment them coming thither at some future time.  Therefore it is plain without doubt that he who remembers his absent kindred to the increase of his pain might a little while after even see them present to his eyes to the augmentation of his punishment.  But what wonder is it if he beholds the damned also burnt along with himself, who to the increase of his woe saw that Lazarus whom he has scorned in the bosom of Abraham.  He, therefore, to whom the very Elect Saint appeared, that his pangs might, be added to, why are we not to believe that he might behold in punishment those, whom he had loved in opposition to God?  From which it is collected, that those whom the sons of perdition now love with inordinate affection, by a marvellous disposition of judgment, they will then see their fellows in torment; that the carnal tie, which was preferred to their Maker, may increase the pangs of their own punishment, being cursed before their eyes by a like retribution.  Thus the fire that torments in darkness must be supposed to preserve light for torture.  And if we cannot prove this from testimonies by the expression of the very thing, then it remains that we shew it from the reverse. 


102.  For the Three Children of the Hebrew People, when the fire of the furnace was kindled by command of the king of Chaldaea, were cast into it with hands and feet tied.  Yet when that king commiserating them sought them in the fire of the furnace, he saw them walking about with untouched garments.  Where it is plain to infer, that by the wonderful dispensation of our Creator, the property of fire, being modified into an opposite power, at the same time never touched their garments, and yet burnt their chains, and for those holy men the flame was both cooled for the infliction of torment, and burnt out for the service of unbinding.  And so as fire knows how to burn to the Elect in consolation, and yet knows not how to burn in punishment, so in the reverse case, at the same time that the flame of hell yields no light to the damned in the grace of consolation, it does yield light in punishment, that the fire of punishment may both glow with no brightness to the eyes of the damned, and for the increase of their pain may shew how the objects of their affection are tormented.  And what wonder is it if we suppose that hell fire contains at the same time the infliction of darkness and of light, when we know by experience that the flame of torches too burns and is dark.  The devouring flame then consumes those, whom carnal gratification now pollutes.  The gaping and immeasurable gulf of hell swallows up Then all whom vainglory exalts now, and they who by any sinful practice fulfilled here below the will of the crafty counsellor, then being cast off are brought to torments along with their leader.




103.  And though there is a great difference between the nature of men and angels, yet those are involved in one and the same punishment, who are bound by one and the same guilt in sin.  Which is well and shortly conveyed by the Prophet, when he says, Asshur is there and all his company: his graves are about him. [Ezek. 32, 22]  For who is set forth by the title of Asshur, the proud king, saving that old enemy who fell by pride, who for that he draws numbers into sin, descends with all his multitude into the dungeons of hell.  Now ‘graves’ are a shelter for the dead.  And what other suffered a bitterer death than he, who, in setting his Creator at nought, forsook life?  And when human hearts admit him in this state of death, assuredly they become his graves.  Now ‘his graves are about him,’ in that all in whose souls he now buries himself by their affections, hereafter he joins to himself by torments.  And whereas the lost now admit evil spirits within themselves by committing unlawful deeds, then the graves will burn together with the dead.


104.  See how we are informed, what punishment is in store for the damned, and, by Holy Writ instructing us, have no reason to question, how great may be the fire in damnation, how great the darkness in that fire, how great the terror in that darkness.  But what does it advantage us to foreknow these things, if it is not our lot to escape them?  Therefore with the whole bent of our mind, we must make it our business, that when the opportunity of being at liberty is ours, by application to living well, we escape the avenging torments of evil doers.  For it is hence said by Solomon, Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, whither thou goest. [Eccles. 9, 10]  Hence Isaiah saith, Seek ye the Lord while He may be found, call ye upon Him while He is near. [Is. 55, 6]  Hence Paul says, Behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. [2 Cor. 6, 2]  Hence he says again, Whilst we have opportunity, let us do good unto all men. [Gal. 6, 10]


105.  But very often the soul girds itself up to walk in the way of uprightness, shakes off sloth, and is so transported into heavenly realms in affection, that it well nigh seems that there is nothing of it left here below; and yet when it is brought back to take account of the flesh, without which the course of the present life can never be accomplished, this keeps it weighed down below, as if it had not as yet reached aught of things above.  When the words of the heavenly oracle are heard, the soul is uplifted into love of the heavenly land; but when the occupation of the present life rises up anew, it is buried under the heap of earthly cares, and the seed of the hope above comes to nothing in the soil of the heart, because the thorn of care below grows rank.  Which same thorn ‘Truth’ uproots with the hand of holy exhortation by Himself, saying, Take therefore no thought for the morrow. [Matt. 6, 34]  And in opposition to this, it is said by Paul, Make not provision for the flesh to fulfil the lusts thereof. [Rom. 13, 14]  But in, these words of the Captain and the soldier we see that the soul is then pierced thereby with a mortal wound, when a balance of measure is not kept therein. 


106.  For whilst we still live in mortal flesh, concern for the flesh is not wholly cut away from us; but it is regulated so that it should serve the mind as discretion dictates.  For whereas ‘Truth’ forbids us to be anxious for the morrow, He does not deny us to take thought in a certain way for the present things, which He does forbid us to extend to the time that succeeds.  And truly while Paul will not let provision be made for the flesh in the lusts thereof, most certainly he does permit it to be made in things of necessity.  Thus the care of the flesh must be restrained under the discreet guidance of a complete control, that it may always obey and never rule, that it may not as a mistress bring the soul under its power, but being subjected to the dominion of the mind, may like a handmaid wait in attendance, that it may come when bidden, and when repressed dart off at a beck of the heart; that it may scarcely shew itself in the rear of holy thought, and never present itself to one front to front when full of right thoughts.  Which is well conveyed to us in the account contained in the sacred Lesson, when Abraham is related to have met the three Angels. [Gen. 18, 2. 9. &c.]  For he met them by himself, as they were coming, without the door of the tent, but Sarah stood behind the door; for the Man and the master as it were of the spiritual house, i.e. our understanding, ought, in the acknowledgment of the Trinity, to issue out of the close chamber of the flesh, and, as it were, to go forth out of the door of his dwelling-place below; but let care of the flesh, as a woman, not shew herself out of doors, and let her be ashamed to display herself ostentatiously, that being as it were behind the back of the husband, under the discreet guidance of the Spirit, busied with necessary things alone, she may learn never to go wantonly uncovered, but to be regulated by modesty.  But oftentimes, when she is charged never to presume on herself, but to resign herself wholly to undoubting hope in God, she turns away her ear, and disbelieves that, her exertions ceasing, the means of life can be forthcoming to her.  And hence this same Sarah, upon hearing the promises of God, laughs, and for laughing is chidden, and still, so soon as she is chidden, she is made a fruitful mother.  And she who in the vigour of youth had no power to conceive, when broken by the years of age, conceived in a withered womb; in that when care of the flesh has ceased to entertain confidence in self, by promise from God it receives against hope that which from human reasoning it doubted its ever obtaining.  Hence he that is begotten is well called Isaac, i.e. ‘laughing,’ in that when it conceives sureness of hope in the Highest, what else does our mind give birth to but joy?  Therefore we must take heed lest care of the flesh either transgress the limits of necessity, or in that which it discharges with moderation, presume on itself.  For oftentimes the mind is betrayed to account that to be necessary, which it desires for pleasure, so that it reckons all that takes its fancy to be ‘the useful’ that we owe to life.  And often because the effect follows the forecasting, the mind is lifted up in self-confidence.  And when that is in its hand which is lacking to the rest, it exults in secret thought for the greatness of its foresight, and is so much the further removed from real foresight, in proportion as it is ignorant of the exaltation that it is feeling.  Therefore we ought to bethink ourselves, with a heedful earnestness of vigilance, whether of what we execute in deed or what we revolve in heart, lest either earthly care, to the incumbrand of the mind, be multiplied without, or at least lest the spirit be lifted up within for its control thereof; that whilst we dread the judgment of God with temporal heed, we may escape the woes of ‘everlasting horror.’

Subpages (1): Chapter 11