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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on Joel

JOEL, whose name, according to ST. JEROME, signifies THE LORD GOD: or, as others say, THE COMING DOWN OF GOD: prophesied about the same time in the kingdom of Judea, as OSEE did in the kingdom of Israel. He foretells under figure the great evils that were coming upon the people for their sins: earnestly exhorts them to repentance: and comforts them with the promise of a TEACHER OF JUSTICE, viz., CHRIST JESUS OUR LORD, and of the coming down of his holy SPIRIT.
Chapter 1
[4] That which the palmerworm hath left: Some understand this literally of the desolation of the land by these insects: others understand it of the different invasions of the Chaldeans, or other enemies.
Chapter 2
[1] The day of the Lord: That is, the time when he will execute justice upon sinners.

[2] A numerous and strong people: The Assyrians, or Chaldeans. Others understand all this of an army of locusts laying waste the land.
[20] The northern enemy: Some understand this of Holofernes and his army: others, of the locusts.
Chapter 3
[18] A fountain shall come forth of the house of the Lord: Viz., the fountain of grace in the church militant, and of glory in the church triumphant: which shall water the torrent or valley of thorns, that is, the souls that before, like barren ground brought forth nothing but thorns; or that were afflicted with the thorns of crosses and tribulations.

[20] And Jerusalem: That is, the spiritual Jerusalem, viz., the church of Christ.