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Ambrosiaster Q&A on Joshua




(Joshua 7:24)


QUESTION 36. IF THE SINNING SOUL ALONE IS TO BE PUNISHED BY THE DEAD, WHY IN THE SIN OF ACHAN, THE SON OF CHARMI, THIRTY MEN WERE SLAIN TO ATONE FOR HIS CRIME? — This word of Scripture must be understood in another sense than that which is given to it. It wanted to speak here not of this death which is common to all, but of that which is called the second death. This death is the punishment reserved for sinners. As for those who were killed in this fight, they did not atone for the sin of Achan, but they were deprived of divine protection that would have made them victorious over their enemies. It was not the sin of Achan that was the cause of their defeat, but they were deprived of the help of God to oppose a brave resistance, and they were put to death, because they were few against a great multitude, and they were overwhelmed by numbers. There is therefore no injustice in the will of God; it is in his power to grant or refuse his assistance; if he grants it, it is an act of mercy; if he refuses it, it is an effect of his justice, for there is not here a debtor strictly obliged to pay what he owes. This is why Joshua, son of Nave, grieved at this failure, uncovered his clothes (Josh. 7:6), because he understood that it was not without reason that God had refused the support of his divine help.

(Joshua 7:24)


QUESTION 14. IF THE SINNER ALONE SHOULD DIE IN PUNISHMENT FOR HIS SIN, WHY ARE THIRTY MEN PUT TO DEATH FOR THE PERSONAL SIN OF CHARMI? — As for Charmi, he was guilty, and he was stoned to death. The thirty-six men, on the contrary, who perished in the fight, were not overwhelmed by the weight of divine vengeance, but simply deprived of its aid. It is their weakness, and consequently their lack of resistance, which has been the cause of their death. The sin of Charmi has determined here only one thing, that those who could count on the help of God have been deprived of it. This is why Joshua, son of Nave, was grieved and tore his clothes, because he understood that God, who was his protector, had withdrawn his support in this circumstance.


