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Chapter 6

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Ver. 1. Achior. Greek adds, "before all the populace of the strangers." And who art thou, Achior, before all this company of foreigners, and the sons of Moab? and what are the mercenaries of Ephraim, that thou? ver. 2.

Ver. 2.

To shew. Greek, "and who is God but Nabuchodonosor? He will," &c. (Haydock) --- They allow the title to none but their king. Neither will God admit of any rival. (Worthington) --- The generous advice of Achior was highly resented. Charidemus, who spoke with the like boldness to Darius, when Alexander approached, was even put to death, though the king repented when it was too late. (Curtius iii.) (Diodorus xiv.)

Ver. 6.

People. Greek, "my slaves shall station thee on the mountainous country, and in one of the cities on the ascents, (of which thou hast so much spoken) and thou shalt not perish till thou perish with them. But if thou believest in thy heart that they will not be taken, let not thy countenance fall. I have spoken, and nothing that I have said shall be without effect."

Ver. 7.

Bethulia. Travellers, depending on the uncertain traditions of the country, generally place this fortress in the tribe of Zebulon, about three miles west of Tiberias. See Brochard., &c. But St. Jerome places it near Egypt; (Vita Hil.) and the Scripture speaks of Bethul, in the tribe of Simeon, (Josue xix. 4.) to which Judith and the ancients belonged. Holofernes left his camp near Scythopolis, (chap. vii. 1.) when he proceeded (Calmet) to attack the southern countries. (Haydock)

Ver. 11.

And. Greek adds, "Chabris, the son of Othoniel, and Charmis, the son of Melchiel." (Menochius) --- The former is, in effect, mentioned [in] chap. viii. 9. (Calmet)

Ver. 15.

Pride. God will not fail to reward those who trust in him, (Haydock) and to humble the presumptuous. (Worthington) --- Saints. Syriac, "sanctuary." This version and the Greek have only, "Look upon the face of the persons (or things) sanctified unto thee on this day. And they consoled Achior, and praised him greatly. And Ozias took him from the assembly to his own house, and made a feast (literally, drinking) for the ancients, and they invoked the God of Israel to assist them during all that night." (Haydock)

Ver. 18.

With us, observing the true religion. (Menochius)

Ver. 20.

Over. The Jews eat nothing before night, and then no abstinence is prescribed, (Calmet) as the fast is at an end. (Haydock)

Ver. 21.

The church. That is, the synagogue or place where they met in prayer. (Challoner) --- For such places were established, particularly after the captivity, though some have denied that there were any synagogues, even in the days of the Machabees. See Matthew iv. 23., and Esther iv. 16. (Calmet)
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