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Bishop Richard Challoner's Notes on Obadiah

ABDIAS, whose name is interpreted THE SERVANT OF THE LORD, is believed to have prophesied about the same time as OSEE, JOEL, and AMOS: though some of the Hebrews, who believe him to be the same with ACHAB's steward, make him much more ancient. His prophecy is the shortest of any in number of words, but yields to none, says ST. JEROME, in the sublimity of mysteries. It contains but one chapter.
Chapter 1
[12] Thou shalt not look: or, thou shouldst not, etc. It is a reprehension for what they had done, and at the same time a declaration that these things should not pass unpunished.-- Ibid.

[12] Thou shalt not magnify thy mouth: That is, thou shalt not speak arrogantly against the children of Juda as insulting them in their distress.