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Ishodad of Merv on Philemon


Again, by the help of God the Epistle to Philemon.


Verse 1

Onesinius was the slave of Philemon, a Believer: This man, when all in the house of Philemon agreed with him in the Faith of Christ, by means of the wickedness of his manners was obstinate, and fled, and did not wish to become a Christian: and Paul found him in Rome, and not only made him a disciple to the Faith of Christ, but also prepared him to acquire love to his master; and wrote by his hands to Philemon to forgive his folly and to honor him.


Verse 2

Appia was the wife of Philemon; Archippus their son.

He calls the Church which is in his house the assembly which was constituted by faith, that is to say, his domestics. Others say that Archippus was not the son of Philemon, but the one about whom he wrote in Colossians 4:17; and say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry which you have received, etc.; and because he loved Philemon, he writes to him that he also should be his persuader about this.


Verse 20

Yea, my brother, let me find rest by you in the Lord. The Greek instead of rest says profit, and this profit he put instead of gifts; that is to say, when you have forgiven him his follies and received him, give me rest thus that I may be profited (Verse 11) by you in our Lord ; that is to say, that the Lord may give me to see thee, that you progress in the good works of Religion; for this I believe to be profitable to my soul.


Verse 23

He calls Epaphra a prisoner, because he had borne sufferings along with him for the sake of the Christ.
