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Chapter 4

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Ver. 1. Father. He shews the greatest respect for his parents, ver. 3. (Calmet)

Ver. 3.

As. This is not expressed. (Haydock) --- But Solomon was not the only son of Bethsabee, as St. Luke (iii. 23.) specifies Nathan, his brother. See 2 Kings xii. 24. Septuagint have "beloved in," &c.

Ver. 4.

He. Hebrew is masculine. (Calmet) --- As David instructed his son, so the latter teaches all how they may learn wisdom. (Worthington)

Ver. 7.

Beginning. The first part of wisdom is to desire it. For nothing hindereth from being just, but that justice is not desired. (St. Augustine, in Psalm cxviii. 20.) (Worthington) --- "Wisdom is the principal part; therefore get," &c. (Protestants) (Haydock) --- It is the one thing necessary. (Calmet) --- The pearl, to acquire which we must part with every thing else, if required, Matthew xiii. 46. (Menochius)

Ver. 17.

Wickedness. Acquired thereby, or they make sin their food, chap. xxvi. 6.

Ver. 18.

Day. They are children of light, (John xii. 35.) and give edification, always advancing in virtue. (Menochius)

Ver. 19.

Fall. They are unconcerned about sin, and neither avoid it, nor strive to repent. (Calmet)

Ver. 22.

Flesh. All may derive benefit from their consideration. (Haydock)

Ver. 23.

From it. As the heart is the principal part of the body, so the will is the chief power of the soul, from which good or evil proceeds. (Worthington) --- A clean heart gives life, a corrupt one, death, Matthew xv. 11, 19.

Ver. 24.

From thee. Neither detract, nor give any countenance to detractors.

Ver. 25.

Steps. Be attentive to thy own affairs, Proverbs xvii. 24.

Ver. 26.

Straight. Hebrew, "ponder." Examine what thou takest in hand, and walk not at random, Hebrews xii. 13.

Ver. 27.

For, &c. What follows in not in Hebrew or the Complutensian (Calmet) Septuagint. But it is in the Roman [Septuagint], &c., (Haydock) and in the new edition of St. Jerome, as it was explained by Ven. Bede. Lyranus and Cajetan reject it. (Calmet)
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