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Chapter 9

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1. Wisdom has built her house; she has hewn her seven pillars.   א.
Wisdom has built her house: With wisdom has the Holy One, blessed be He, built the world.   :
she has hewn her seven pillars: The seven days of Creation. Another explanation: This refers to the seven books of the Torah, since (Num. 10:35f.) “And it came about when the ark traveled…” is an individual book, as is stated in tractate Shabbath (116a).   :
2. She has prepared her meat; she has mingled her wine; she has even set her table.   ב.
She has prepared her meat, she has mingled her wine: She has mixed it with water, like strong wine, that is unfit to drink unmixed.   :
she has even set her table: All creations of liquid and solid.   :
3. She has sent her maidens, she calls on the wings of the heights of the city,   ג.
She has sent her maidens: Adam and Eve.   :
4. "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here." To the one devoid of sense, she says to him,   ד.
“Whoever is simple, let him turn in here”: and learn it and become wise.   :
5. "Come, partake of my bread and drink of the wine I have mingled.   ה.
of the wine I have mingled: Heb. מסכתי.   :
6. Leave, you simpletons, and live, and step in the way of understanding."   ו.
Leave, you simpletons: the way of simplicity and live.   :
and step: Heb. מסכתי, an expression of stepping, as in (Job 23:11): “To his steps (באשרו) my foot was held fast.”   :
7. He who chastens a scorner takes disgrace for himself, and he who reproves a wicked man, that is his blemish.   ז.
and he who reproves a wicked man, that is his blemish: It is a blemish to the one who reproves [him], for this one berates him and does not heed him. This is a warning that it is forbidden to talk with those who entice to worship idols, even to reprove them and to draw them near.   :
8. Reprove not a scorner lest he hate you; reprove a wise man and he will love you.   ח.
9. Give a wise man, and he will become yet wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will increase in learning.   ט.
Give a wise man, and he will become yet wiser: To a worthy pupil, and the Midrash Aggadah (Tanchuma, Vayakhel 6) states: It was said to Noah, “From every clean animal, etc.” (Gen. 7:2), and when he went out, “And he took from all clean animals, etc.” (ibid. 8:20). He said, “What did the Holy One, blessed be He, see to increase the number of these? It is only because He wished that I offer up some of them.”   :
teach a righteous man: wisdom, and he will increase in learning from his own knowledge in addition to what he heard.   :
10. The beginning of wisdom is the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of the holy ones is understanding.   י.
and the knowledge of the holy ones: is the root of understanding.   :
11. For with me shall your days increase, and they will add to you years of life.   יא.
and they will add to you years of life: Years of life are those of sustenance and wealth.   :
12. If you have become wise, you have become wise for yourself, and if you scorn, you will bear it alone.   יב.
13. The woman of folly is turbulent; [she is] simple and knows nothing.   יג.
14. She sits at the entrance of her house on a chair on the heights of the city,   יד.
15. to call the passersby, who are going straight on their ways,   טו.
16. "Whoever is simple, let him turn in here, and whoever is devoid of sense," and she says to him,   טז.
and whoever is devoid of sense: (lit. and one devoid of sense.)   :
and she says to him: these words. What does she say to him?   :
17. "Stolen water is sweet, and bread eaten in secret is pleasant."   יז.
Stolen water is sweet: The pleasure afforded by intimacy with a single woman does not equal that afforded by intimacy with a married woman. Also, regarding the commandments (other editions: sectarianism), stolen water is sweet, for they were afraid to do it in public, but did it in secret.   :
18. But he does not know that shades are there; her guests are in the depths of the grave.
Subpages (1): Chapter 10