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Psalm 45

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1. Unto the end, for them that shall be changed, for the sons of Core, for understanding. A canticle for the Beloved.

45:0 This is Psalm 45. After dealing with the misery and trouble of the martyrs in the previous Psalm, and their prayer to God for deliverance, here sweet consolation is given in an epithalamic, or nuptial, Psalm. An epithalamic song is one sung when the bride is led to the groom's chamber, and it praises each of them. So this Psalm is in praise of the Son of God, of human nature wedded to him in the womb of the Virgin Mary, and in honor and praise of the Church the bride, and Christ the groom. It is the highest consolation of a soul, no matter how much troubled.

This is hinted well enough in the title, which has two interpretations: (1) The first understands the word "Psalm", which is tending to the end, that is, making us ready for the consummation that took place in the Incarnation, where, as if reducing itself, the Divinity accomplished the consummation of everything, when the last creature, man, was united with its principle —Is 10:23 Lord Yahweh of armies will make a consummation and abbreviation in the midst of the whole land (Vul). It was written for the sons of Korah, that is, of Christ crucified in Calvary, and that for understanding of such a mystery, namely, of the wedding and joining of human nature with the divine, and of Christ with the Church. This Psalm is a canticle, that is, a spiritual exultation, for those who shall be changed, that is, for the Church which is gathered from many people, and is changed as it is renewed from the old life of sin and goes to a new life —Eph 4:22-24 Put aside the old man and your former behavior, that which is corrupted by erroneous desires, and be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new man created according to God. It is for the beloved, that is, the groom Christ, who is thus transforming the Church —Mat 3:17 = 17:5 This is my beloved Son. Listen to him. He changes the Church or human nature with that change mentioned in Psalm 77:11 The right hand of the Most High has changed (Vul).

(2) Or the title could understand "canticle", not Psalm, as the subject, meaning that it is an exultation of the mind forthose who shall be changed, as before, ordering us to the end. It is meant for the sons of Korah for understanding, as previously explained.

2. My heart hath uttered a good word:
My heart has composed a sweet song; I shall recite my work, O king.

45:1.1 The Psalm is divided into three parts: (1) First he promises to sing. (2) He fulfils this promise, praising the groom in many respects: "You are beautiful". (3) He praises the bride: "Listen, daughter". In the first, he (1) promises that he will sing from the abundance of his heart, and (2) then says that this fulness is not from himself, but from God moving within him: "My tongue is the pen". In the first he (1) says that he is uttering praise from the abundance of his heart, (2) then he specifies which praises he sings to whom: "I speak". The idea is: I hear the complaints of the afflicted martyrs. To console them, my heart, not just my mouth like those spoken of in Jeremiah 12:2 You are near in their lips, but far from their hearts. —Is 29:13 This people honor me with their lips, but their heart is far from meutters from its fulness. —Cassiodorus: One is said to "utter" when a full meal in the stomach dissolves into healthy digestion. Yet it is clear that the word of God is food for the heart —Jer 15:16 Your words were found, and I ate them, and your words became joy and gladness for my heart. Filled with that food, the heart utters a good word, that is, a good hymn from God —Ps 22:27 The poor will eat and be satisfied. But to whom do you wish to utter this good word? I recite my works of praise, which is a work of man —Augustine: The highest work of man can only be to praise. The Lord said this through Isaiah (43:21) The people I have formed shall tell my praiseto the king antonomastically, that is, to his honor who is simply King over all —Rev 19:16 He has written on his cloak and on his thigh "King of kings and Lord of lords". Another reading has the Father speaking of the Son's eternal generation, but Augustine and Jerome do not approve of this reading; so I skip it.

My tongue is the pen of a scrivener that writeth swiftly.
My tongue is the pen of a skillful scribe.

45:1.2 Here he shows that this plenitude of heart is not from himself, but from God, and he shows (1) that he is moved by the Holy Spirit, (2) that on his part he did not place any impediment: "swiftly". The idea is: So you wish to sing a hymn to the king? On your own? No, but my tongue is the pen of a skillful scribe, who does nothing by himself. So I speak only by the Holy Spirit who moves me — 2 Sam 23:2 The Spirit of the Lord spoke through me, and is word is on my lips. So I say, write swiftly, not impeded by the bad disposition of the pen. —Jerome: No one writes so swiftly as he, the pen of languages, does in the hearts of the saints. For this writing is the illumination of hearts to understand what is said. Illumination is instantaneous —Ps 76:5 O brightness, you are majestic. —Wis 7:24 Wisdom is faster than any movement. For prophecy is not infused by human effort and thought, but by divine irradiation —2 Pet 1:21 Prophecy has never come by human will, but men moved by the Holy Spirit spoke in the name of God. Or: he wrote fast, because as he spoke he also acted —Ps 33:9 He spoke, and there it all was. —Ps 147:15 His word runs fast (Vul).

3. Thou art beautiful above the sons of men: grace is poured abroad in thy lips; therefore hath God blessed thee for ever.
You are the most handsome of all men; charm flows from your lips. God, the Supreme Being, has blessed you from eternity.

45:2.1 Here is commendation of the groom, from four aspects, as the Gloss proposes: (1) beauty, (2) power: "Put on your sword", (3) authority of judging: "Your throne", (4) dress or adornment: "Myrrh and aloes". The first has three points: (1) beauty, (2) the radiation of this beauty to others: "grace is poured", (3) the reward for these two: "therefore God blessed". The idea is: He speaks prophetically, I will speak to the king, You are beautiful, without any interior stain of sin —Is 53:9 = 1 Pet 2:22 who did not commit sin. —Augustine: The true and highest beauty is justice. —Jer 23:6 This is the name they will call him: Yahweh our justice. And this above the sons of men, since he surpasses all in beauty. Angels are not mentioned, even though he is more beautiful than all the angels, because the comparison is made within his own human species. —Augustine: He was among the sons of men, from the sons of men, and ahead of the sons of men.

Note, with Cassiodorus, that he is speaking here of the beauty of the mind, not of the body. So the word "beautiful" does not refer to radiating with the color of milk or shining with blond hair or having an outstanding build, but that he had no sin —Is 53:2 He had no form or charm. —Augustine seems to point out a contradiction: He found in us much that is dirty, yet loved us, while if we find something dirty in him we should not love it, because he is beautiful in the very fact that he took on flesh. Response: He was truly beautiful, even according to his humanity, and Cassiodorus does not deny this, but he wants to say that the Prophet is not speaking about that beauty, because of Prov 31:30 Charm is a lie and beauty is vanity. Rather, he is speaking about mental beauty. The passage from Isaiah refers to his condition in the Passion, when he was smeared with the dirty spit of the Jews and he was pale while dying on the cross. So he was ulgy to the unbelievers, but to the believers he is always beautiful. —Augustine: To you who believe he is beautiful everywhere: beautiful in the hands of his parents, beautiful in his miracles, beautiful as he was scourged, beautiful as he gave up his soul, beautiful as he took it back, beautiful on the wood, beautiful in the tomb, beautiful in heaven. But, because beauty if not sufficient unless it can overflow and beautify others, he adds:

The grace of the doctrine of truth, which you spread to others so that they may become beautiful, is abundantly poured on your lips, not only on your lips, but on your whole face —Judith 15?? You are very wonderful, Lord, and your face is full of grace. But the soul who speaks here may focus on the beauty of the lips because it is ready for a kiss that will bring some of that grace —Cant 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth. —Cant 8:1 Who will give you to me as a brother sucking the breasts of my mother. Then if I find you outside I can kiss you and no one will despise me. Note the abundance of the effusion, since everything that came from his lips was grace —Augustine: Grace is poured on your lips when you cure the sick with a word, when you order the sea to be quiet, when you tell the winds to be silent, when you order a fever to go away, when you call Lazarus forth, and he comes out when called and listens to you. Everything that you speak is perfected by the grace of your lips —John 7:46 Never has a man spoken like this. —Qoheleth 8:4 The word of the king is sovereign. —Mat 7:29 He taught them as one having power, not like the Scribes and Pharisees.

Because you are beautiful and good and useful to others, therefore God has blessed you, who is greater than you as a man —Heb 7:7 It is incontrovertible that the lesser is blessed by the greater. And that, not with a sinister blessing, as Esau received (Gen 27:39-40), which is one of temporal prosperity, but forever, giving you the kingdom without end —Luke 1:33 He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and his kingdom will have no end.

4. Gird thy sword upon thy thigh, O thou most mighty. 5. With thy comeliness and thy beauty set out, proceed prosperously, and reign. Because of truth and meekness and justice: and thy right hand shall conduct thee wonderfully.
Strap your sword at your side; prevail by your splendor and conquer by your majesty. Ride triumphantly in the cause of truth, and defend the poor. Your right hand's wonders, your sharpened arrows, shall point you out.

45:2.2.1 This is about his strength, and, acknowledging his power, the Psalmist asks him (1) to preach with urgency, (2) to free man: "proceed prosperously", (3) to reign over those he freed: "and rule", (4) because he ought to rule: "because of truth". The idea is: You are comely, O most mighty one —Job 9:19 As for strength, he is the strongest. —Mat 28:18 I have been given all power on heaven and earth. You are the most powerful in appearance, because you appeared to the world visibly, that is, in human nature —Cant 5:15 His appearance is like Lebanon, choice as the cedars. And your beauty, that is according to your divinity, which the angels desire to see (1 Pet 1:12) —Cant 5:10 My beloved is white and red. Strap your sword, that is, the word of preaching, which is a sword —Eph 6:17 the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God, by which natural compounds are divided —Mat 10:34 I did not come to cast peace, but the sword. For I came to separate, by the sword of preaching, a man against his father, a daughter against her mother etc. Put that on your thigh, that is on the flesh you assumed, since the thigh stands for the body because the seed scrotum is located there —Gen 24:2-3 Put your hand under my thigh, as I make you swear. The sword is used when the flesh is forced to obey the word of preaching, so that the preacher does what he teaches —Ex 32:27 = Cant 3:8 Let each man put his sword on his waist.

Note that he does well to say "belt", a word used (1) for someone who is going somewhere —Tob 5:4 Tobit went out and found a splendid young man belted and ready to go (Vul). —Sir 36:26 Who will trust an armed (girded) band that shifts from city to city? (2) Someone is belted in preparation for work —Luke 12:37 He will belt himself, make them sit down and go around serving them. —John 13:5 He dried their feet with the cloth he had around his belt. (3) Someone is belted in preparation for battle, as in this verse and 1 Macabees 3:53 Belt yourselves and be powerful boys. (4) Someone unbelts himself to rest —1 Kings 20:11 One with his belt on and another with it off cannot equally boast. Note also that the word "potentissime" (most mighty one) can also be an adverb, with the idea: Belt yourself with much energy, not lazily. And the following words are unaffected.

5. With thy comeliness and thy beauty set out, proceed prosperously, and reign.
prevail by your splendor and conquer by your majesty.

45:2.2.2 This is the second point when "comeliness and beauty" are combined with the following words. The idea is: Preach strongly and with your comeliness and your beauty. The two words mean "your beautiful face", which is your justice, which is most beautiful, and oversee ("intende") men —Cant 2:9 He stands behind the wall, looking in through the window, peeping through the opening. —Sir 11:12 The eyes of Yahweh look favorably upon him; he raises him free of the vile dust . Oversee not for evil, but prosperously, that is, for their good. That is especially true of your justice, as Augustine said: The true and highest beauty is justice. This is the kind of overseeing intended by the one who said: May the Lord bless you. May the beauty of justice bless you. Proceed from those who have been overcome by good to those who are yet to be overcome. Another interpretation could be added: Proceed prosperously, that is, victoriously, as you ought —Prov 21:28 An obedient man will speak victory (Vul). You were written about in Philippians 2:8 becoming obedient unto death. Or: proceed from the virginal womb —Ps 19:6 Proceeding like a groom from his chamber, that is, the virginal womb.

45:2.2.3 And reign over those converted to the Faith, who were formerly ruled by the devil through unbelief —John 12:31 Now the prince of this world will be thrown out. —Wis 3:8 He will rule as their lord forever. —Ps 22:29 For Yahweh is truly king and ruler over the nations.

Because of truth and meekness and justice: and thy right hand shall conduct thee wonderfully.
Ride triumphantly in the cause of truth, and defend the poor. Your right hand's wonders, your sharpened arrows, shall point you out.

45: Here it is shown that he ought to and will rule, (1) first why he merits to rule, (2) then how: "Your arrows". In the first there are three merits: (1) the good disposition of his looks, (2) his attitude: "and meekness", (3) the result: "your right hand". The idea is: Proceed and rule. That must and will be because of the truth which you have in you mind —John 1:14 We saw him... full of grace and truth— and which you teach to others —Ps 2:6 I have been anointed his king. And the meekness which moderates your irascible power (1) with regard to sinners —John 8:7-11 Whichever of you is without sin, let him throw the first stone... Woman, did no one condemn you? No one, Lord. Neither do I condemn you. Go, and sin no more— (2) with regard to persecutors —Jer 11:19 I am like a meek lamb being brought to slaughter. —Luke 23:34 Father, forgive them, they do not know what they are doing. And justice, moderating the concupiscible appetite —Ps 11:7 Yahweh the just loves just deeds. And this is not just an internal attitude, but your right hand, which is not idle, will lead you from one deed to another, and that wonderfully without any offence or sin, for it is wonderful to live in this world and not give offence —James 3:2 For in many things we all offend, especially in words. If someone does not offend by word, he is a perfect man. But the light which perserves others from giving offence cannot give offence himself —John 11:9 If someone walks in the daylight, he does not stumble. And he is light itself —John 8:12 I am the light of the world.

Or: Your right hand, that is, your divinity, which is like your right hand, while your humanity is your left —Ps 16:10 with pleasure at your right hand foreverwill lead you from one nation to another over the whole world.

Note in this verse the four cardinal virtues in Christ: (1) Truth refers to prudence, (2) meekness is a kind of temperance, (3) justice is mentioned directly, (4) Your right hand will lead you wonderfully refers to fortitude, which is to do difficult things wonderfully.

6. Thy arrows are sharp: under thee shall people fall, into the hearts of the king's enemies.
your sharpened arrows, shall point you out. Peoples shall fall at your feet, the foes of the king lie senseless.

45: This is about (1) the means and (2) manner in which he will rule, the latter, because people will be subdued. The idea is: I said that you would come to rule because you should, and that will be because of your arrows, that is, your words. For if a word were not an arrow, Jeremiah (9:7) would not have said, A killing arrow is their tongue. He calls the tongue an arrow, speaking through the cause. From the tongue comes the word which is the arrow. —Sir 19:12 An arrow fixed in the flesh of the thigh, such is a word in the heart of a stupid man. They are sharp and piercing —Heb 4:12 The word of God is powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword. They penetrate for good, just as bad arrows penetrate for evil —Prov 26:22 The words of a slanderer are tasty morsels that go right down into the belly. And therefore peoples shall fall under you, that is, will be subject to you —Acts 2:37 Hearing this, they were cut to the heart and said to Peter and the other apostles, What shall we do, brothers? —Rom 3:19 that the whole world may be subject to God. But where will they believe? In the body? No, but interiorly, in the heart, as Jerome and Augustine have, or into the hearts of those who rose against you —Jer 51:1 They raise their hearts against me like a pestilent wind (Vul). These are the hearts of the king's enemies, that is, those who were previously his enemies, for you are the true king —Rev 19:16 King of kings.

Or the reading could be: The people of the enemies of the king, and you are the king, for the most part will fall under you, subjecting themselves to you —Is 60:14 Your oppressors' children will humbly approah you, at your feet all who despised you will fall. They will not only subject themselves bodily and forced, but also in their heart, or into their hearts, that is voluntarily, for that pleases God —Ps 54:8 Voluntarily (Vul) I will sacrifice to you, Yahweh. —Ex 25:2 You will accept a contribution from everyone whose heart prompts him to give it.

7. Thy throne, O God, is forever and ever:
The everlasting God has enthroned you.

45:2.3.1 Here he commends him for his power of judging and ruling, showing (1) Christ's eternal power or ruling or judging, (2) his equity: "the scepter", (3) the dignity and holiness of the ruler and judge: "You loved justice", (4) the cause of equity and holiness in him: "therefore God anointed you". The idea is: You have such power and strength, and also, O God, your throne, that is, your judicial power —Is 6:1 I saw the Lord sitting on a high throne. The use of the word "throne" or "seat" is appropriate, because it indicates tranquillity, for a seat is a place to rest —Wis 12:18 But you, controling your strength, are mild in judgment, and govern us with great lenience. It is not of short duration like the throne of other rulers —Sir 10:17 The traces of the proud God sweeps away. —Sir 10:8 Dominion is transferred from one people to another. But it is forever and ever —Dan 7:14 His rule is an everlasting rule which will never pass away, and his kingship will never come to an end.

Note that Christ is said to sit (1) sometimes because of his hiding in the depths of God, in so far as he is God —Ps 99:1 O Enthroned upon the Cherubim, let the earth quake. (2) also because of the humility of the Incarnation —Ez 44:2 This gate will be kept shut. No one may open it or go through it, since Yahweh, God of Israel, has been through it. (3) because of his most quiet patience in his Passion —Ps 139:2 You know my sitting and standing (Vul: resurrection). (4) because of his judicial authority, as in this verse —Dan 7:10 The court was in session and the books lay open. (5) because of the tranquillity he creates in the saints —Is 66:1 Heaven, that is, the soul of the just man, is my throne.

the sceptre of thy kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness.
Your kingdom's scepter must be a scepter of equity.

45:2.3.2 This is about equity, with the idea: Your authority is eternal, and the scepter/staff/rod, that is, the governance by which you rule your kingdom is a sceptre of uprightness, for nothing in the divine equity is distorted —Ps 92:16 How upright is Yahweh, my Mountain in whom there is no wrong, that is, no inequity. —Cassiodorus: This scepter is unconquered strength. Therefore it is called an "iron rod" in Psalm 2:9. It is the most correct equity, and it is therefore a discipline of inflexible uprightness. That is why is is called a "scepter of strength" in Psalm 110:2.

Note that the Virgin Mary is (1) a rod of holiness —Is 11:1 A shoot will wpring from the stock of Jesse and a flower. How could she not be a rod of holiness when such a flower of holiness arose from her? She is a rod not only of holiness, but also (2) of health —Num 17:23 On Aaron's branch... flowers had bloomed and almonds had already ripened; these are fruits for the sick. (3) And she is a staff of power for making miracles, like Moses' rod (See Exodus 14 & 16 and many other places). (4) And she is a staff of judicial authority, as in the present verse. Shepherds should have this staff. It is the staff of Joseph who was made ruler of all Egypt —Heb 11:21 By faith, Jacob, when he was dying, blessed each of Joseph's sons, bowed in reverence as he leant on his staff.

And there is the staff of revenge, evil men, through whom God punishes and beats the good —Is 10:5 Woe to Assyria, rod of my anger. The club in their hands is my fury. And there is the staff of authority to accept what is necessary —Mark 6:8 He told them to take nothing for the journey except a staff. And there is the staff of smooth consolation —Ps 23:4 Your rod and your staff are my consolation (Vul).

8. Thou hast loved justice, and hated iniquity:
Love justice and hate iniquity;

45:2.3.3 Here he shows the holiness of the judge, in (1) loving the good, and (2) hating the evil: "and hated iniquity". The idea is: You will rightly reign forever, judging with equity. Or: Truly nothing in your power is distorted. It is entirely right, because you love justice —Ps 11:8 Yahweh the just loves just deeds, both in himself and in others, whom he commands to love justice —Wis 1:1 Love justice, you who rule the earth. And you hate not men, because they are your creatures —Wis 11:24 You love everything that exists, and nothing that you have made disgusts you— but iniquity, so that in your name it was said (Ps 119:163) I detest and hate falsehood. —Is 61:8 I love fair judgment, I hate robbery and wrong-doing. But of evil judges we hear the opposite —Michah 3:1-2 Surely you are the ones who ought to know what is right, and yet you hate what is good and love what is evil.

therefore God, thy God, hath anointed thee with the oil of gladness above thy fellows.
the Supreme Being has anointed you, God, your God. Your garments are the oil of rejoicing;

45:2.3.4 Here is the cause of the equity and the grace of such high holiness, which is superior and byond comparison to all others. The idea is: Your staff is a staff of equity; so you love good and hate evil. Therefore, that you may be of such character, God, your God, has anointed you —Is 61:1 The spirit of the Lord Yahweh is on me, for Yahweh has anointed me. —Acts 4:27 you holy servant Jesus whom you anointed.— with the oil of gladness. This is different from (1) the oil of fame —Cant 1:3 You name is an oil poured out. (2) the oil of mercy —Luke 10:34 The Samaritan poured oil and wine on his wounds. (3) or the oil of flattery —Ps 141:5 Let their fine oil not brighten my head. (4) the oil of charity common to all —Mat 25:4 The sensible ones took flasks of oil with their lamps. And this above your fellows, who are like you in nature and participate with you in grace, as far as they have it from you —John 1:16 We have all received of his fulness. —Ps 133:2 Like the precious oil on the head, running down. —Gen 28:18 Jacob took the stone.. and set up as a pillar, pouring oil over the top of it. In Leviticus 8, Moses was commanded to anoint his brother Aaron as priest. From this anointing comes the name "Christ"(and "Christian" for all of us). He was anointed as king, as priest, and as warrior.

9. Myrrh and stacte and cassia perfume thy garments, from the ivory houses:
all your robes are myrrh, aloes and cassia. How many are the ivory palaces!

45: Here the Psalmist commends the groom for (1) his dress, (2) his company, since it is improper for him to be separated from his spouse: "The queen stood". The first considers (1) his dress, and (2) the impression it made: "from which". The first considers (1) our ordinary clothing, (2) the house which protects us: "from the ivory houses". The first can be understood either of the mystical body of Christ or his true body. As for the mystical body, myrrh, which preserves from corruption, is also bitter. That is mortification of the flesh, which preserves from the corruption of unchastity —Joel 1:17 The animals rotted in their shit (Vul). But mortification of the flesh preserves from this. Therefore it is said (Col 3:5), You must kill everything in you that is earthly: sexual vice, impurity, uncontrolled passion, evil desires and especially greed and amoniac drop, which is related to the earth, and "drop" is used in a general sense for what dries and destroys all swelling, and it stands for humility, which deflates pride —Sir 24:15 Like galbanum and onycha and sweet spices (Vul: drop)— and cassia —This is a genus of perfumes, and it grows in watery places, giving off the finest odor, which stands for the Faith, which (1) gives an odor of good esteem —2 Cor 2:15 To God we are the good odor of Christ. (2) And it progresses and grows all the way to heaven —Heb 11:5 By faith Enoch was taken up. (3) It is born in the water of baptism. These three elements breath from your garments, that is, the faithful, who are like your garments —Is 49:18 By my life, declares Yahweh, you will put them all on like jewels.

Or: Myrrh, which is the bitter memory of your death, and drop, softening preaching, and cassia, the waters of baptism, flowed from your garments, that is from your bodily members extended on the cross —Job 10:11 You clothed me with skin and flesh. And these also come from the ivory houses, which are the saints, who are a dwelling in which you live —1 Cor 3:17 God's temple is holy, and you are that temple. The house is of ivory, standing for chastity, for ivory is naturally cold and comes from a chaste animal, the elephant. So we, who are the house of God, should be ivory-like —Wis 1:4 Wisdom will never enter the soul of a wrong-doer, nor dwell in a body enslaved to sin.

out of which 10. The daughters of kings have delighted thee in thy glory.
How many to make you joyful! Daughters of kings shall be stationed in your courts,

45: Here is the reason for the impression the groom's garments made, whether those of his real or his mystical body. The idea is: Your garments, as well as your house, give out such a wonderful odor that the daughters of kings, that is, noble souls, or daughters of saints, or literally girls of noble families, such as Catherine, delighted you, that is, found you delightful, and that in your honor, not in any self-interest —Cant 1:3 That is why girls love you.

Or "in honor" modifies the preceding, giving the idea: the daughers of kings in your honor have delighted you.

The queen stood on thy right hand,
the queen at your right

45: Here the Psalmist commends the groom from the company of his well dressed spouse, pointing out (1) her decent apparel, (2) her jewelry, beauty and glory: "in gilded clothing". The idea is: You, the groom, are very well dressed and decorated. But is it you alone? No, but there stood with hope lifted to heavenly things, not bowed down by love of earthly things —Ps 5:5 At daybreak I present my case; I watch for you, expecting those eternal goods to come to me, and longing for them —Tit 2:13 waiting in hope for the blessing which will come with the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Christ Jesusthe queen, prefigured by Esther, whom Ahasueus took as wife and wanted her to be queen (Esth 2)— at your right hand, although not yet in reality, nevertheless in hope, holding the right hand of the judge —Rom 8:24 In hope we already have salvation and are placed at his right hand —Mat 25:33 He will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left.

in gilded clothing; surrounded with variety.
in gold of Ophir.

45: This clothing is glory and beauty. He notes (1) how precious they are, (2) how beautiful they are: "surrounded". So the queen stood in gilded clothing. This clothing could be doctrine clothing the intellect, or good works as decorating the will. As for the first interpretation, the queen stood in gilded clothing, that is, in the teaching of wisdom interwoven with threads of species taken from things, so as to make wisdom into a splendid garment —Wis 6:12 Wisdom is brilliant, she never fades. —Sir 51:19 In her wisdom I took pleasure (Vul).

Or: in gilded clothing, that is, the operation of the virtues joined together and harmoniously arranged —1 Cor 14:40 Make sure that everything is done in a proper and orderly fashion. This is the garment referred to in Ps 132:9 May your priests be clothed with justice, but decorated with the gold of charity. So he does not say "gold", which would refer to charity alone, but golden/gilded, so that charity may be understood as the form of good works. For it is the most pure gold which the Lord commanded the tablets of the tabernacle to be covered with (Ex 26). But this is not true of the virtues of the philosophers, which were not decorated with charity. They therefore were not a beautiful garment, but a dirty one —Is 64:5 We have all been like unclean things, and our upright deeds like filthy rags.

surrounded with variety, with the idea: gilded because of its preciousness, surrounded with variety, because of the multiple variety of it: (1) first of tongues —Acts 2:4 The Apostles began speaking in other languages. (2) of virtues, for the Church is adorned with the silver of the Prophets, the gold of Apostles, the red of the Martyrs, the gems of the Virgins, the purple of the penitants. This was prefigured in Exodus 28, where the priestly garments were commanded to be made of red and purple, and have gems and gold sewn on. (1) As for customs, there is no difficulty for the Church having the same faith to have different customs, for that makes for great beauty. —Augustine's Confessions: Another went that way. (2) As for offices, Ephesians 4:11 He gave some as apostles, some as prophets, some as evangelists. (3) As for rewards, John 14:2 In my Father's house there are many mansions. —1 Cor 15:41 Star differs from star in brightness. So it is at the resurrection of the dead. This variety is expressed in Rev 7:9 I saw a huge number, impossible for anyone to count, of people from every nation, race, tribe and language; they were standing in front of the throne.

11. Hearken, O daughter, and see, and incline thy ear: and forget thy people and thy father's house.
Listen, daughter, and see; turn your ear: "Forget your people and your father's house.

45:3.1.1 Here is the commendation of the bride and, as the Gloss says, she is commended (1) first for her beauty, (2) secondly for her glory: "all the glory",(3) thirdly for her company: "They shall be brought", and (4) fourthly for her children: "Instead of your fathers". In the first she is commended for the beauty of her faith, which is an adornment and a purification of the soul —Acts 15:9 He purified their hearts by faith, always inviting them to perfection in it. So there is (1) first, the invitation, and (2) a persuasion which she should accept: "and the king shall desire". In the first, the Psalmist (1) invites her to listen carefully to the Gospel, (2) to see Christ himself through faith: "and see", because faith is from hearing (Rom 10:17), (3) he teaches her how to listen: "incline your ear", and (4) how to see or believe: "and forget". The idea is: The groom is as described, but you, o daughter —He calls the Church a daughter, because she is from the Fathers, from whom the new or early Church descended. Or he calls the Church not his own daughter, but the daughter of the Apostles, who gave her birth by faith —Gal 4:19 My children, I am going through the pain of giving birth to youlisten to the Gospel teaching and see Christ later on by true faith. Or: hear the ancient prophets promising the Incarnation of Christ and see it fulfilled —Acts 3:18,24 God carried out what he had foretold, when he said through all his prophets that his Christ would suffer... All the prophets that have ever spoken, from Samuel onwards, have predicted these days.

Note the order: "hear" first, then "see", as in the case of the queen of Sheba (1 Kings 10), who first heard the fame of Solomon, then saw him personally. So hear first, and then see afterwards by faith, and later on by vision —1 Cor 13:12 Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere riddles, but then we shll be seeing face to face. But, because sometimes the proud listen in order to criticize —Mat 22:15 The Pharisees went away to work out among themselves how to trap in in what he said— he adds: humbly incline your ear. Otherwise wisdom will not enter —Wis 1:4 Wisdom will never enter the sould of a wrong-doer. —Mat 11:25 You hid these thiings from the learned and the clever, and revealed them to little children. After all, teaching is water, and water always flows downwards —Prov 18:4 Deep waters, such are human words. Therefore —Sir 32:9 Listen in silence, and for your respect good favor will come to you (Vul).

And forget, which means, when believing in Christ, to leave behind Jewish rites and the Mosaic law, your father's house. The idea is: Hear and believe. How? By forgetting your people, Jewish or idolotrous Gentile manners and rites —Mat 6:24 No one can serve two masters. —1 Cor 10:21 You cannot drink the cup of the Lord and the cup of demons as well. And not only that, but flee their company; so he adds, and your father's house. By "house" he means the congregation of evil-wishing Jews and Gentiles, whose father is the devil —John 8:44 You are from your father, the devil. —Ez 16:3 Your father was an Amorite and your mother a Hittite.

12. And the king shall greatly desire thy beauty;
For the king desires your beauty;

45: Here the bride is offered attractive advantages if she agrees. They are three: (1) the groom's love for her, (2) the honor coming from the groom and the whole world for such a beautiful bride: "for he is the Lord", and (3) people's veneration of the bride: "all the rich". The idea is: I have urged you to listen and see. Will this be for nothing? No. For the king of heaven, the King of kings and Lord of lords (Rev 19:16), will desire your beauty, that is, love you for your beauty. No wonder —Sir 40:22 Charm and beauty delight the eye. And they will adore him, the king who loves you, giving him doulia worship.

for he is the Lord thy God, and him they shall adore. 13. And the daughters of Tyre with gifts,
yes, he is your lord; pay homage to him. A robe from Tyre is among your gifts;

45: For he, and not the demons or idols with which you were formerly fornicating —Jer 3:9 With her shameless whoring, she polluted the country; she committed adultery with stones and pieces of woodis the Lord —1 Pet 3:6 Sarah was obedient to Abraham, and called him her lordand your God —Ps 44:5 You are my King, my God. The idea is: They will adore him because he has such a beautiful spouse that he supports and rules.

Here also is noted the incentive for the bride to forget her father's house, since she has such a husband who is Lord by power, and God by knowing the thoughts of all, and is adored by his creatures' acknowledgement of his power and wisdom —Cant 5:16 Such is my love, such is my friend.

He is more specific in saying, The daughters of Tyre shall adore him with gifts. Tyre is a town near the Jews, and was always somewhat hostile to them. So their conversion is all the more wonderful. This conversion was typified in the Canaanite woman who came from the region of Tyre and adored the Lord (Mat 15:22-28). They adored with gifts, offering themselves to God, according to Romans 12:1 I urge you to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, dedicated and acceptable to God. —2 Cor 8:5 They gave themselves first to the Lord. Also the daughters of Tyre can be taken as sinners, since Tyre means a strait, and sinners are in straits —Prov 5:15 The wicked is snared in his own misdeeds, is caught in the meshes of his own sin. They are called daughters, because they are useless like daughters —Ps 14:3 They are all stubborn, and are equally bad.

yea, all the rich among the people, shall entreat thy countenance.
the guests seek your favor."

45: The third advantage is the veneration of the Church, the idea being: They will adore the Lord, your God, including, O Queen, all the rich among the people, not just the lesser people and the poor. But how are they from the people if they are rich? And how can they be rich if they are from the people? Answer: They are rich because they have an abundance of temporal goods, but they are from the people because they always desire more and are in need, as most rich people are. —Bernard: It is clear that they need much, because they possess much —Sir 5:10 Where there are many possessions, there are many who eat them. —Ez 27:27 In the heart of the sea, that is, in the depths of bitterness, are your riches, your goods. Therefore Seneca said, To be rich you must not add to your possessions, but subtract from your desires. Therefore the Lord said (Mat 19:23 A rich man will find it difficult to enter the kingdom of heaven. These therefore will entreat your countenance, that is, to see you openly, asking to be reconciled to your husband through you. The friends of Job, in the end, were commanded to go to him and seek God's pardon through him (Job 42:7-9). —Is 60:14 The children of those who humiliated you will come to you bowed down and prostrate at your feet. —Is 49:23 Kings will be your foster-fathers, and queens will be your nurses. That was fulfilled in Acts 4:34-35 Any who owned lands or houses sold them and brought the money realized from the sale and put it at the feet of the Apostles.

14. All the glory of the king's daughter is within in golden borders, 15. Clothed round about with varieties.
All her robes are royal garb, inside brocaded with gold. Her wardrobe is by professional brocaders.

45:3.2 Here the bride is commended for her glory and nobility, (1) first for what she has interiorly, (2) then what she has exteriorly: "Clothed round". The idea is: The Church is beautiful, and all its glory, that is, the glory of the daughter, the Church, which was called the bride above. She is bride because of love, and daughter because of imitation, because a child is like the parent —Sir 10:2 As the head of a city, so are its inhabitantsis within, from a good conscience —2 Cor 1:12 Our glory is in the testimony of our conscience, not that of a false and flattering tongue —Mat 6:3-4 Don't let your left hand know what your right is doing, so that your almsgiving may be in secret. Jewish pride in bodily circumcision is worthless —Jer 4:4 Take away the foreskins of your hearts. That is how Peter wanted Christian women to be —1 Pet 3:3 whose adornment should not be outward, in braided hair or gold jewelry and fine apparel, but the hidden man of the heart, with the imperishability of a gentle and peaceful spirit.

The glory of the daughter is in golden borders/fringes, that is, in the teaching of divine wisdom. The fringe, which is the lowest part of a bodily garment stands well for wisdom, which is the lower part of the mind's habit. Again, it was prescribed in the Law that on the purple rome of Aaron there should be sewn golden bells, so that the sound would be heard when he went in and out of the tabernacle (Ex 28:32-35). That sound stands for the teaching of wisdom, which is the glory of the daughter —Jer 9:23 Let anyone who boasts boast in this, to understand and know me. Likewise the fringe is the end of the garment, and it stands for those who will be last on earth at its end. And those final members of the Church will be golden and best, shining with wisdom and charity like gold —Prov 4:18 The way of the just will be like the light of dawn, growing until the day appears. Those are the good hems which anyone may touch and be healed —Mat 9:21 = Mark 5:28 If I only touch his garment I will be healed. This queen was clothed with varieties: languages, virtues, good works which are outwardly evident, so that it can well be said of her (Cant 4:7), You are completely beautiful, my friend, both interiorly and exteriorly.

After her shall virgins be brought to the king: her neighbours shall be brought to thee.
Let the maiden be led to the king; let her companions be brought after her.

45:3.3.1 Here the bride is commended for the company she has while going to her husband, notably (1) that they are many, (2) the way they are admitted: "They shall be brought with gladness", (3) where they are brought: "They shall be brought into". Her companions include the imperfect, her neighbours, but also, as she forgets her father's house and comes to the groom, virgins, that is, pure and continent minds, are brought to the king, her husband, Christ, who is King of kings and Lord of lords, and that after her and through her as associates and friends. The Psalmist says shall be brought, indicating that they could not come by themselves, but only by the power and grace of the Holy Spirit —Ps 143:10 With your good spirit lead me to the level Land. —Jer 30:21 I shall permit him to approach me freely. —Cant 1:4 Draw me in your footsteps, let us run. Her neighbors, that is, married souls who keep marital or widowed chastity, who are imperfect, will be brought to you, O King.

Note the manner of speaking. He says the virgins are brought, with the idea that they are stronger —Rev 14:11 For these are virgins, and follow the Lamb wherever he goes. But widows and married women are brought as broken by different desires, concerns and cares —1 Sam 2:5 She who had many children is barren. —Jer 15:9 She is barren who had seven children. —1 Cor 7:34 The unmarried woman and the virgin think about the things of the Lord, how to be holy in body and spirit. The married woman thinks of worldly things, how to please her husband. Or: The virgins and neighbors can be the same people, with the idea: The virgins, her neighbors, that is the Churches, or prudent virgins, will be brought to you, that is, they will not be excluded from your wedding —Mat 25:10 Those who were ready went in with him to the wedding. In addition, there can be reference to conversion by preaching at the right time, and the bringing of others to conversion by preaching at the wrong time —2 Tim 4:2 Preach the word, insisting on it at the right time and the wrong time.

16. They shall be brought with gladness and rejoicing:
Come, let her be brought with joy and gladness;

45:3.3.2 Here is the manner of admission, whether they come on their own or are brought. The idea is: The virgins will be led (adducentur) and the neighbors will be brought (afferentur) by ministry of angels —Ps 91:11 He will send his angels to guard you in all your marches; on their hands they will bear you. —Luke 16:22 The poor man died and was carried by angels to the lap of Abraham. They will be brought with gladness for those being brought and rejoicing for those bringing them —Ps 105:43 He led forth his people with songs of joy, his chosen ones with singing.

Also, those who carry them should be the prelates and pastors of the Church —Num 11:12 Carry them in your arms as a nurse carries a sucking infant, and bring them to the land that I promised to their fathers. They should carry them with interior gladness and exterior rejoicing —Luke 15:5 When he finds it, he places it on his shoulders rejoicing. Coming home, he calls his friends and neighbors saying, Rejoice with me because I found my sheep that was lost.

they shall be brought into the temple of the king.
let her be brought into the palace of the king.

45:3.3.3 Where are they being led? To the temple of the King to sing there as they sing in the temple —Rev 14:3 And they sing a new song before the throne and the four animals and the elders. —Ps 29:9 Throughout his temple they all shout glory (Vul). Also, they themselves are to build the temple —1 Pet 2:5 Yourselves, like living stones, be built into a spiritual house. Also, they are brought to see the divinity of Christ, for there God's power shines most, and there it can be openly seen —Is 35:2 They will see the glory of Yahweh, the splendor of our God. It can also stand for the temple of the Church militant. The virgins and neighbors will be brought to be part of the unity of the Church. For if they are outside, even though virgins, like virgins among heretics, idolaters and Jews, they are the foolish virgins who are miserable —Amos 5:16 In every square there will be lamentation, and on every street they will cry, Woe, woe! And this temple is stable —Augustine: This temple is not in ruins nor divided, for love is the cement of the living stones.

17. Instead of thy fathers, sons are born to thee:
In place of your fathers shall be your sons;

45:3.4.1 Here the bride is commended for her children, with reference to (1) their large number, (2) their dignity: "You shall make them", and (3) their usefulness: "Therefore". The idea is: A great company of people will come to your temple, O groom. That is because you, O bride, have sons born to you, not just one son, but many who are strong and good, namely, the Apostles and apostolic men. They came up to the temple in the way specified in John 3:5 Unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God. They will take the place of your fathers who worshiped idols —Lam 5:7 Our fathers sinned and are no more. —Jer 16:19-20 Nations will come from the ends of the earth and say, What our fathers inherited is false, futile and of no use. Can a man make gods for himself? Or: In place of your spiritual fathers, the Patriarchs, Prophets and Apostles from whom the Church was born —1 Cor 4:15 In Christ Jesus, througth the Gospel, I gave birth to youshall be your sons, the bishops and prelates of the Church —Sir 30:4 At the father's death he will seem not dead, since he leaves after him one like himself.

thou shalt make them princes over all the earth.
you shall make them princes over all the earth.

45: Here is the dignity of Church office, and (1) that first, (2) then its holiness: "They shall remember". The idea is: Sons have been born to you, and you will make them princes, that is, prelates. They will not make themselves prelates —Heb 5:4 No one takes this honor on himself, not any man, but the Holy Spirit which is in you —Sir 7:4 Do not see authority from Yahweh, nor a place of honor from the king, but from the Holy Spirit. —Acts 20:28 Watch out for yourselves and all the flock where the Holy Spirit made you overseers to shepherd the Church of God. They will be princes not just in Judea, as in the Old Testament, but over all the earth. This is the wide and very accommodating temple —Augustine: For the temple of the King, which is spread far and wide, he everywhere laid the foundations of the Prophets and the walls of the Apostles. —Ps 19:5 Throughout the earth their call went forth, and their words to the edge of the world.

18. They shall remember thy name throughout all generations.
I shall sing your name through all generations;

45: Here the dignity of the sons is shown in holiness, because they always have God in mind. The idea is: They shall be exalted, but, because honors led the Jews to forget —Hosea 13:6 Their heart was lifted up and they forgot me— these will not forget, but will remember your name, Lord, preaching it as faithful servants —Luke 12:42 Who is the faithful and wise manager whom the Lord will put over his workers, to give them their ration in due time? For you raise them up for this purpose —Ps 105:44 Then he gave to them the lands of nations; the wealth of peoples they seized, so long as they keep his statutes, and his laws observe. Therefore it is said in Deuteronomy 6:10-12 When he gives you great and wonderful cities which you did not build, and houses full of wealth that you did not put there, cisterns which you did not dig, vines and fig trees which did not plant, and you eat and are satisfied, take care not to forget Yahweh.

Or according to another reading: The preachers will be appointed and, because of their preaching, I, the Christian people, will be aware of the Lord's name —Baruch 2:31 I will give them a heart to understand, and an attentive ear, and they will sing my praises in the country of their exile, and they will remember my name, and that not for a short time, but through all generations, that is, in every generation, or in the generation of the Jews and the generation of the Gentiles —Sir 49:1 Precious is his memory, like honey to the taste, like music at a banquet. —in the same verse: The name Josiah is like blended incense. —Ps 145:4 Each generation will praise your works to the next, and proclaim your mighty acts.

Therefore shall people praise thee for ever; yea, for ever and ever.
peoples shall praise you, Supreme Being Everlasting.

45:3.4.3 Here is the usefulness of the children for God, which is their thankful praise and the perpetuation of this praise forever. The idea is: You will have many children, and they will be honored with Church office and holiness. Therefore people, that is, the lower class, will praise you, while blaming themselves —Ps 75:2 We thank you, God; we thank you, Near One! They will acknowledge you with one heart, and praise you with one soul —Rom 15:6 Unanimously with one mouth praise God. —1 Cor 1:10 Have one voice, and do not let there be schisms among you. —1 Cor 14:33 He is not a God of disorder but of peace. And that forever, that is, as long as the present status of the Church lasts —Ps 146:2 May I praise Yahweh all my life, sing to my God while I have being. —Deut 32:21 This song, lie a witness, will give evidence against him, since hi descendants will not have forgotten it. And for ages upon ages which follow this one —Ps 84:5 Happy are they who ever dwell in your house, and near your altars sing your praise!

Subpages (1): Psalm 51