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Chapter 2

2:1 (a)(b)(c)And to the angel of the church of Ephesus write: Thus says he which (d)holds the (e)seven stars (f)in his right hand, which (g)(h)walks (i)in the middle of the seven candlesticks of gold,

a.  John.*
b.  Note that in all these things he talks not only to the bishop, but
also to those who are in his charge.*
c.  I.e. write* to the bishop; of whose hand Christ** asks the sins of
those  placed  under  his  authority,  and  without  whose  assent
he does not dare to judge those placed under his authority.
d.  Although they have sinned, he does not forsake them yet if they
will repent.*
e.  I.e. seven bishops.*
f.  I.e. in his power.*
g.  Sc. as one distributing gifts, or not at rest yet.
h.  Because they are not yet such as he could rest in.*
i.  I.e. in the middle of the seven churches.*

The first vision is about the reproof1 of the churches.


He starts giving individual warnings, which can be individual and universal, for the various members of any church.


"Ephesus" translates to "will", "advice" or "deep fall".2


"Ephesus", for the part of those who persevere well, translates to "will", because the will of God is in them3, by whose works God is delighted. Concerning these he then says4 that those who had fallen into error should be corrected by their example; for them5, "Ephesus" translates to "advice", i.e. "needing advice", or "deep fall", or "my will".


John writes to the bishop of each church, to him who asks.


2:2 (a)I know your works and (b)labor, and your (c)patience, and that (d)you cannot bear (e)evil men, and (f)have tried them which say themselves to be (g)apostles, and are not, and  (h)have found them liars:

a.  I.e. I approve.
b.  I.e. tribulation.
c.  I.e. that you do not grumble about the delayed reward.
d.  I.e. you cannot help expelling or correcting evil men.*
e.  Acting inhumanly against you.*
f.  I.e. you  have  tested their doctrine, because only those who are
inside, i.e. in the Church, are tried.
g.  I.e. sent by God, so that they may deceive you more easily.
h.  By their evil preaching and their evil life


2:3 And you (a)have patience, (b)and have borne (c)for my name, and have not fainted.

a.  In  the  evils  that  they  bring  upon  you  and  inflict  upon  you
through earthly powers.*
b.  I.e. not for human praise, but to glorify my name, so that others
may take example from it.*
c.  I.e. through.*

And have not fainted. It indicates that there would have been a reason for human failing if help had not come to prevent it.


2:4 (a)But I have (b)against you a few things, (c)because you have left your first charity.

a.  This concerns the advice.*
b.  I.e. the reverse of the crown.
c.  Either the bishop  in  his  person, affected by weariness over the
vices  in  those  under  his  authority,  or  those  under  his  authority
out of love for earthly things.

Heli was a good priest and yet he was condemned because of his sons whom he did not want to correct (1 Kings 3).
